Dear Turbomad,
"Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories (2006), announced on May 10, the
new Grand Theft Auto game is scheduled to be released on October 17,
2006 exclusively for the PlayStation Portable."
SOURCE: Wikipedia, <>).
In addition, there is also a GTA IV planned:
"Grand Theft Auto IV (GTA IV) was officially announced at the
Microsoft 2006 E³ Press Conference on May 10, 2006. According to
Microsoft, GTA IV will be launched on October 16, 2007 for the Xbox
360. Microsoft said that Xbox 360 will have exclusive, additional
episode content on Xbox Live. Not long after this announcement,
Take-Two Interactive divulged on their website a press release
confirming that the game will be released simultaneously for
PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. The release also announced the opening of
the official website. Rockstar has not yet confirmed what location and
time period GTA IV will be set in. It should be noted that the
exclusive content may only be exclusive for a set amount of time, as
was the case with all PS2 GTA games. It also may not be exclusive at
all, as Rockstar has yet to comment on the matter."
(SOURCE: ibid. You can read more about this future product at:
I hope this answers your question. Please contact me if you need any
clarifications on this answer before you rate it. |