I am looking to see whether a company exists to whom we could
outsource diet coaching. I am leading the marketing for major
health/diet book and we'd like to help people follow the diet, but we
don't have the resources to manage all the inquiries on a one-on-one
basis. So, we are looking to partner up a company who has the
capacity to offer that as an outsourced solution to us. Not precisely
sure, but I believe this would involve the use of dieticians and
nutritionists who would have to be trained on the principles of the
diet in question and who could then in turn mentor and assist people
throughout the program. A successful answer to this question would
involve giving me links to company websites who definitely offer this
solution. Ideally I'd like 3, but if you only find 1, that's fine --
I'd be thrilled to find somebody who does this. |
Request for Question Clarification by
21 Jun 2006 17:19 PDT
Hello again Broker,
I?ve been working on your question and I have not been able to locate
the exact type of service you require; perhaps it doesn?t exist.
I continued my search and I believe incentaHEALTH of Denver may be a
workable alternative.
Please read this paragraph.
?The POWM inexpensive coaching option can easily be added to
traditional primary care and is already being planned by the much
larger Servitas medical practices in New York. Physicians who wish to
add coaching services may choose to ?outsource? them to vendors such
as incentaHEALTH of Denver, which already offers its online
fitness/weight loss coaching through the New West Physicians group in
the same city.?
incentaHEALTH may have the capability to offer you an outsourced
solution based on your specific requirements.
4600 S. Ulster Street
Suite 850
Denver, CO 80237
Voice: (303) 694-8008
Fax: (303) 484-2019
My Private Coach is another interesting option.
The leading consultancy providing business, life and weight loss coaching.
Please let me know if any of these alternatives will suit your purpose.
Request for Question Clarification by
21 Jun 2006 17:32 PDT
Please check out O2I as well.
Request for Question Clarification by
21 Jun 2006 17:35 PDT
Would you like to outsource your inbound customer support needs to
India? Fill in the inquiry form and the Client Engagement Team will
contact you within 24 hours.
"Complete this form and we will contact you shortly.
Tell us about your outsourcing requirements. Simply fill up the
following form and we will contact you. If you would prefer to send an
email please feel free to contact us at info@outsource2india.com
We at O2I are sensitive to customer concerns and ensure absolute
confidentiality and privacy of any information that is given to us.
Customers can specify their preferred method of contact with us and we
will not disclose their identity without expressed or written consent
from them."
Request for Question Clarification by
21 Jun 2006 18:25 PDT
Dear Broker,
I believe I finally found a satisfactory solution.
KP OnCall, LLC
OnCall Healthcare Communications provides 24 hour nurse advice from
its state-of-the-art medical call center in San Diego, California.
Providing nurse triage services to individuals, physician groups and
health plans nationwide, the companies' nurse call center offers a
broad spectrum of demand management applications. OnCall's services
include telephone triage, health advice protocols, physician referral,
health information, disease management and physician answering
service. OnCall's nurse triage and advice line provides immediate
access to nurse telephone counseling, quality health advice, and
referral to the appropriate clinical setting.
The company combines the personal touch of a highly qualified on call
nurses, strong clinical content and advanced information and
telecommunication systems to provide unparalleled after hours nurse
At the core of the OnCall system is a state-of-the-art communication
and information center. This facility is staffed by healthcare
professionals specially trained in telemedicine, each with years of
experience in related clinical fields. To ensure the highest levels of
service and satisfaction, our staff is supported by an extensive
database of physician-directed protocols, designed with over 20 years
of medical experience.
5855 Copley Drive, Suite 250
San Diego, CA 92111
Phone:(858 ) 974-1000
Fax: (858) 560-9300
Please let me know what you think of this service.
If you like it I will find you a few more similar options.
Request for Question Clarification by
23 Jun 2006 01:50 PDT
Dear Broker,
Did you have a chance to check out KP OnCall, LLC?
Would this company suit your purpose?
Request for Question Clarification by
28 Jun 2006 16:07 PDT
Hi Broker,
Did you have a chance to review the material?
Looking forward to your clarification.
Best regards,