Dear Greenbeans-ga,
I believe that you are correct in your thoughts, but looking at a
number of sites for NHS libraries, it also seems that the librarians
will assist in research, and give staff IT training on how to conduct
research. Many of the libraries also assist local GPs, practice staff
and NHS dental practitioners.
The libraries possess books, journals, and online databases such as NeLH,
They are also centres for staff training and the librarians give a
supporting role in organising the rooms, etc.
Some of these libraries offer a Clinical Librarian and medically
qualified staff, but others indicate that regular staff can assist
with enquiries. Requests are often made to staff for regular up-dates
on a speciality, inter-library book requests and photocopying of
journals and articles.
You may find a look at these sample sites a help. I?m not sure how
they compare in size with the library you are going to apply to.
University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust Library Service
Leaflet on the library?s service
Library Charter
?UHL NHS Libraries will:
? Provide an enquiry service between normal weekday hours (Mon ? Fri 9-5)
? Respond to quick reference enquiries immediately, and complex
enquiries within 5 working days
? Contribute to trusts? induction programmes, and provide ad-hoc
library tours for new users
? Provide training and guidance in the use of specialist information sources?
Kostoris Medical Library
?Kostoris Medical Library services and resources includes access to a
variety of bibliographic databases, access to full text electronic
journals, training on literature searching, current awareness and
registration for Athens Accounts.?
Library services
Addenbrookes Hospital
?Literature Searching - we provide training to improve your skills,
and/or can carry out literature searches for you.
Current Awareness Services ? keep up to date easily with literature
published in your field.
Document Supply ? do you have easy access to all the journals you
need? We can help.
Critical Appraisal Skills ? become more confident at identifying good
quality research.
Open Access Repository - some research grants require you to place
papers in a repository. We can help.?
Hope Hospital Library
Guide to the library.
Exeter Health Library
I hope this answers your question. If it does not, or the answer is
unclear, then please ask for clarification of this research before
rating the answer. I shall respond to the clarification request as
soon as I receive it.
Thank you
P.S. Good luck with the job application.
Search strategy
nhs "medical library"
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