Request for Question Clarification by
22 Jun 2006 06:45 PDT
Dear billy295-ga,
By High Court, do you mean to include Chancery Division, Queen?s Bench
Division, Admiralty Court and Commercial Court? Also there may be some
difficulty in providing exact figures. For instance, I have found the
total number of proceedings commenced in 2005 but these include Writs
and Summonses, Companies Court, and Bankruptcy / Insolvency
petitions. There is only a bar line on a graph to show writs and
summonses alone, and it is difficult to estimate the exact number.
Another question is regarding trials (apart from Masters in Chambers).
The only figure is for cases listed in London (provincial case numbers
are apparently not collected). They are broken down into trial,
general, and interim lists. Then as for disposal, further broken down
to the categories of, after trial, and settled out of court.
I can find all this type of data for 2005 - 1999 with some graphs for
proceedings started for 1991 - 1999. All come from an official
government source.
To be honest, I think it would be impractical for me to place the
information here. I think the best way may be for me to refer you to
seven annual reports where you will be able to assess the information
available and extract it for your purposes.
Let me know you views.