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Immaculate Conception
Category: Relationships and Society > Religion Asked by: probonopublico-ga List Price: $5.00 |
22 Jun 2006 09:13 PDT
Expires: 27 Jun 2006 21:05 PDT Question ID: 740226 |
Can a chosen virgin say 'No' if she lacks the wherewithal to bring up a new Messiah? http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/scotland/highlands_and_islands/5105946.stm | |
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There is no answer at this time. |
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Re: Immaculate Conception
From: amber00-ga on 22 Jun 2006 09:53 PDT |
Technically, according to Catholic dogma it is the Blessed Virgin Mary herself who was conceived innaculately, without original sin. See: http://www.catholic.com/library/Immaculate_Conception_and_Assum.asp You seem to be asking about the Annunciation and the Virgin Birth. Here Catholic dogma is that the Virgin, like everyone else, has free will, so could have declined the invitation to become pregnant. Rather than paying an insurance premium, it might have been simpler for the ladies in your news article to have evaded the invitation by ceasing their virgin state. Alternatively, if they wish to preserve their virgin status, they could just say, no thank you, to the angel. |
Re: Immaculate Conception
From: steph53-ga on 22 Jun 2006 11:39 PDT |
Bryan... Interesting article... Me? If I got "chosen" I would have to say NO. Its expen$$ive enough raising a fat, spoiled cat and his "fishy friends". Steph53 |
Re: Immaculate Conception
From: probonopublico-ga on 22 Jun 2006 11:58 PDT |
Yeah, Steff, but have you considered the sponsorship deals that you could get? It should give you more than enough to feed Fat Albert as well plus his Fishy Friends. Please RECONSIDER ... Just in case! |
Re: Immaculate Conception
From: myoarin-ga on 23 Jun 2006 02:07 PDT |
I rather suspect that in the event, the Good Lord will have considered not only the girl's virginity, good character, unfailing faith, etc., but also such practical matters as her economic situation - and maybe her mother's attitude when she comes and tells her that she was visited by the angel Gabriel and is pregnant. Most mothers lose their cool in that situation. |
Re: Immaculate Conception
From: pugwashjw65-ga on 23 Jun 2006 03:10 PDT |
MARY (Ma´ry) [from the Heb. Miriam, possibly meaning ?Rebellious?]. There are six Marys mentioned in the Bible. 1. Mary the mother of Jesus. She was the daughter of Heli, though the genealogy given by Luke lists Mary?s husband Joseph as the ?son of Heli.? Says M?Clintock and Strong?s Cyclopaedia (1881, Vol. III, p. 774): ?In constructing their genealogical tables, it is well known that the Jews reckoned wholly by males, rejecting, where the blood of the grandfather passed to the grandson through a daughter, the name of the daughter herself, and counting that daughter?s husband for the son of the maternal grandfather (Numb. xxvi, 33; xxvii, 4-7).? It is undoubtedly for this reason the historian Luke says that Joseph was the ?son of Heli.??Lu 3:23. Mary was of the tribe of Judah and a descendant of David. Hence it could be said of her son Jesus that he ?sprang from the seed of David according to the flesh.? (Ro 1:3) Through his adoptive father Joseph, a descendant of David, Jesus had a legal right to David?s throne, and through his mother, as the ?offspring,? ?seed,? and ?root? of David, he held the natural hereditary right to ?the throne of David his father.??Mt 1:1-16; Lu 1:32; Ac 13:22, 23; 2Ti 2:8; Re 5:5; 22:16. If tradition is correct, Heli?s wife, the mother of Mary, was Anna, whose sister had a daughter named Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptizer. This tradition would make Elizabeth the cousin of Mary. That Mary was related to Elizabeth, who was ?from the daughters of Aaron? of the tribe of Levi, the Scriptures themselves state. (Lu 1:5, 36) Mary?s sister, some have thought, was Salome, the wife of Zebedee, whose two sons, James and John, were numbered among Jesus? apostles.?Mt 27:55, 56; Mr 15:40; 16:1; Joh 19:25. Visited by Angel. About the end of 3 B.C.E., the angel Gabriel was sent by God to the virgin girl Mary in the town of Nazareth. ?Good day, highly favored one, Jehovah is with you,? was the angel?s most unusual greeting. When he told her that she would conceive and give birth to a son called Jesus, Mary, who at the time was only engaged to Joseph, asked, ?How is this to be, since I am having no intercourse with a man?? ?Holy spirit will come upon you, and power of the Most High will overshadow you. For that reason also what is born will be called holy, God?s Son,? the angel explained. Thrilled with the prospect, yet with fitting modesty and humility, she replied: ?Look! Jehovah?s slave girl! May it take place with me according to your declaration.??Lu 1:26-38. To strengthen her faith further for this momentous experience, Mary was told that her relative Elizabeth, in her old age, was already six months pregnant, because the miraculous power of Jehovah had removed her barrenness. Mary paid her a visit, and when she entered Elizabeth?s home the infant in Elizabeth?s womb leaped with joy, whereupon she congratulated Mary, saying: ?Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb!? (Lu 1:36, 37, 39-45) Thereupon Mary broke forth in inspired words magnifying Jehovah for his goodness.?Lu 1:46-55. Mary was the offspring of Heli and Anna. The Catholic claim of immaculate conception is wrong and is made to justify Mary being a channel to God for prayers. Only Jesus is this channel. John 14;6 Jesus said to him: ?I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me". |
Re: Immaculate Conception
From: jack_of_few_trades-ga on 23 Jun 2006 05:44 PDT |
I think Mary carefully considered her options and decided not to spend several days in the belly of a big fish simply to do Gods will afterall. |
Re: Immaculate Conception
From: myoarin-ga on 24 Jun 2006 01:51 PDT |
Ah, the maidens are in their fifties - very rare, indeed - quite the suitable candidates for immaculate conception, but as explained above, that will make them more likely to be the mother of the mother of the new Messiah or of a second John the Baptist; both Anna and Elizabeth were apparently past the normal age of bearing. I wonder how the lasses expected that they would be able to prove that an offspring was the new Messiah. And if it were a girl? Ah, then of course SHE would/could be the eventual mother of the NM. Good planning by the Almighty - giving Himself a few more years to check if the times are ripe. |
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