Hello almojo,
Having rarely played a computer game since Pong and Tetris, I decided
I could learn a bit as well as help you answer your question. Thanks
for asking.
First, I wanted to learn a bit more about the game you mentioned and
searched Tekken PlayStation Combinations to find
Original Release: November 1995
Tekken has been hailed as the greatest beat-em-up ever on any system.
High praise indeed, but rarely has a game been so worthy.
Instantly playable but with enough depth of gameplay to keep you
coming back for months; in 2 -player Tekken's lifespan is unlimited.
Keeping with tradition, it's a one-on-one battlefest with an intuitive
control system - each of the PlayStation controller's four main
buttons control one of the fighter's limbs, but with 8 fighters and
over 750 moves to master, the combinations are near-limitless.
In the ultimate battle for supremacy, the winner goes home rich and
the loser goes home in a pine box . . .until the next game, of course.
Interesting. Other sites such as epinions also hold high regard for
this game. In one review for Tekken 2, a user mentions:
"As is required, all of the fighters have unique moves and
combinations, and every fighter has at least three different 10-hit
So, now I understand what you are seeking and that Tekken evidently
has undergone development and version changes and your needs are
specific to Tekken 4. I searched for - tekken4 OR "tekken 4"
+combinations OR "long comb" OR "10-hit" OR "10 hit" - to attempt to
narrow my hits to your desired answer. Although this produced 396
hits, there were precious few that actually listed long combinations:
My first success shows :
"Nina has 6 (!) 10 hit combo possibilities. To perform her most basic
string , tap LP, RP, LP, RP, LK, LK, RP.LP, RP, RK. " found at
This page, http://kuni-bob.com/yoshifaq.html shows the 10 hit combos
for the character Yoshimitsu:
Note: " = interrupt points
Combo 1: 1,2,1,4,4,4,1,1,1,1 - 5,8,6,9,9,5,5,8,8,30 - hmm"h"h"Lm!!!
Combo 2: 1,2,1,4,2,2,2,4,1,1 - 5,8,6,9,3,3,3,7,8,30 - hmm"hmmm"m!!
Combo 3: 4,4,2,2,4,4,1,1,1,1 - 20,20,5,6,9,5,5,8,8,30 - hmm"h"h"Lm!!!
Combo 4: 1,2,1,4,4,4,1,3+4 - 5,8,6,9,9,5,5,25 - hmm"h"h"Lm"m
Combo 5: 4,4,2,2,4,4,1,3+4 - 20,20,5,6,9,5,5,25 - h"h"mh"h"Lm"m
Combo 6: 4,4,2,2,1 - 20,20,5,6,30 - h"h"mh!
Combo 7: 4,4,2,2,1~1 - 20,20,5,6,30 - h"h"mh!
...as well as all other moves and unblockable combinations. And this
page lists a few more
lp,rp,lp,rk,rk,rk,lp,lp,lp,lp -10 hit
lp,rp,lp,rk,rp,rp,rp,rk,lp,lp - 10 hit
rk,rk,rp,rp,rk,rk,lp,lp,lp,lp - 10 hit
You will find several 10 hits for Tekken 4 Xiaoyu at
http://takitsubo.tripod.com/movelist/tekken4.html :
u+4,1,2,1+2,1,3,4,4,4,1 10 Hit combo #1 -
u+4,1,2,4,4,2,1+2,1,4,2 10 Hit combo #2 -
A 10 hit string for Anna, the Lightning Scarlet appears on this page:
http://www.tekkenmasters.hpg.ig.com.br/anna.htm , and several for the
King of the Iron Fist here:
There are a number of 10 hit combos on the following page for several
characters including King, Nina and Law, AND the strategy to defend
against them. Although this is for Tekken 3, I understand that some
will work equally well in Tekken 4 :
A FAQ on Kazuya at http://www.tekkenzaibatsu.com/tekken4/faq/kazuya-01.txt
shows combos as follows:
f,f,N+2122344121 Tenstring
f,f,N+2122344321 Tenstring
and it seems to be a well written FAQ and worthwhile reading.
All system cheats at
http://www.captaincode.com/cheats/ps2/Tekken_4_cheats.htm show the
following links:
1. Tekken 4 cheats (guide / faq / walkthrough) at game faqs
2. Tekken 4 cheats (cheat codes) at super cheats
3. Tekken 4 cheats (cheat codes) at game sages
4. Tekken 4 cheats (cheat codes) at cheating planet
5. Tekken 4 cheats (cheat codes) at cheating dome
6. Tekken 4 cheats (cheat codes) at chapter cheats
7. Tekken 4 cheats (cheat codes) at 911codes
8. Tekken 4 cheats (cheat codes) at vgs / game winners
Although there appears to be great information, such as how to unlock
hidden characters, I did not see and 10 hit combos. That being said,
this might be very interesting for you to read through a sampling of
the links listed above.
As I said previously, there are precious few web sites with these
combinations posted, so I repeated my search in Google Groups to see
what had been posted on Usenet. Only 30 posts showed up and none that
listed combinations. I repeated the search to see if more hits could
be found by simplifying my criteria to "tekken 4" +"10-hit" and found
even less information.
I concluded that there is a dearth of information posted online that
actually list the 10 hit combinations!
What I did find that will provide you with a wealth of information is
a book that will show, or claims to show, EVERY 10 hit combo for
Tekken 4 and more:
"Tekken 4 Infinite Synthesis
Length: 200 Pages
Series: Tekken
Language: Japanese
Best For: Tekken Fans, Everyone
Street Price: $25.00
INTRO: I have always wondered why some stores say ARTBOOKS when what
they are selling is clearly a game guide. This is the first Japanese
"Guide" I have bought and let me tell you why they are in the artbook
CONTENT: Most American guides give you the basics. This one gives you
everything. Of course, you'll be able to do every 10 hit combo and
move in the game with this guide, that's given. You also get character
profiles and sketches. That is almost expected. However, you also get
pages out of their sketchbook making this book extremely valuable to
see how they work out a character. It just looks like a ton of fun
drawing these characters."
It can be ordered online fo r$21 from this site:
http://store.yahoo.com/animebooks-com/tek4insyn.html . I think this
may be your best bet for an extensive listing of 10 hit combinations.
I hope the above answer has been informative and useful for you. If
anything is unclear, please do ask for clarification.
-=clouseau=- |