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Who really killed Kennedy
Category: Reference, Education and News > Current Events Asked by: minerva1961-ga List Price: $2.00 |
27 Jun 2006 04:49 PDT
Expires: 27 Jul 2006 04:49 PDT Question ID: 741399 |
Who really killed JF Kennedy? | |
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There is no answer at this time. |
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Re: Who really killed Kennedy
From: pafalafa-ga on 27 Jun 2006 04:50 PDT |
LH Oswald |
Re: Who really killed Kennedy
From: probonopublico-ga on 27 Jun 2006 05:09 PDT |
Another vote for Lee Harvey Oswald. |
Re: Who really killed Kennedy
From: thefuzz81-ga on 27 Jun 2006 09:18 PDT |
I think it was Fozzie Bear. He did it because nobody was laughing at his jokes. I imagine the scenario went much like this: Fozzie: "Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the other side!!" -Silence. A cricket chirps softly- FOZZIE: "I said, to get to the other SIDE!!" -Taps Microphone- "Is this thing on? Ernie, can you hear me?" ERNIE: - Says nothing, there's a banana in his ear, he can't hear anything. FOZZIE: "Cookie Monster? Count? Oscar?" COOKIE MONSTER: -singing, not paying attention- "C is for coo-kie, good enough for meee..." THE COUNT: "Nine hundred thousand, nine hundred ninety-six...Nine hundred thousand, nine hundred ninety-seven...Nine hundred thousand, nine hundred - Vait! Vere vas I? Ooooooohhhhhh!! Lost count AGAIN!! Oh vell, I vill start over. One...Two...Three..." OSCAR the GROUCH: "THAT'S THE STUPIDEST JOKE I EVER HEARD!!" -reaches into his trash can, throws tomatoes- "BOOOOOO!!" BIG BIRD: "It's okay, Fozz, not everyone can be as witty and charming as our President, John F. Kennedy!" FOZZIE: "I'LL GET YOU JOHN F. KENNEDYYYYYY!!!" -pauses to throw a pie into Bert's face - "IF IT'S THE LAST THING I EVER DOOOO!!" But of course it wasn't the last thing he ever did. Fozzie went on to make generations of people laugh - well, maybe not generations. Fozzie went on to make hundreds of people laugh - no, I guess that's not right either... Fozzie went on to make four children and a odd man named Larry laugh uproariously with his signature dry delivery and repitoire of joke classics such as "A horse walked into a bar" and "Why did the chicken cross the road? Parts 3 and 4". But sometimes, if you watch closely, you can see a strange smile appear on the bear's face as the people laugh, as if to say "Take that JFK! NOW who's the funniest! Now. Who's. The. Funniest..." |
Re: Who really killed Kennedy
From: jguru_usa-ga on 27 Jun 2006 10:15 PDT |
I know a 100% correct answer "it was not me" |
Re: Who really killed Kennedy
From: thefuzz81-ga on 27 Jun 2006 10:16 PDT |
It also could have been Elmo. Everyone kept tickling him, and one day he just snapped. |
Re: Who really killed Kennedy
From: kottekoe-ga on 27 Jun 2006 20:03 PDT |
Lee Harvey Oswald or Oliver Stone. You be the judge. |
Re: Who really killed Kennedy
From: irlandes-ga on 01 Jul 2006 16:20 PDT |
There will always be public doubts about that shooting. The official answer was Oswald acted alone, but firearms experts have tried and failed to shoot identical rifles at the rate those bullets came out, not to mention hitting anything at that rate of fire. Plus, as is often the case, the case was not always handled very well, and the decision to keep a lot of details secret for many years definitely brought the kooks into the game, since no one could disprove their wildest statements. |
Re: Who really killed Kennedy
From: raginrhino67-ga on 02 Jul 2006 20:42 PDT |
It was supposed KIA Msgt. from the USAF. His name was Warren Harwood, he was an assasin working in the SouthAmerican sector of the Company's wet- ops chapter. At the urgings of the Army Cheif of staff and the Vice President, he was smuggled up thru the Big bend area and into Texas. On that fatal day he and another nameless shooter were in Dealy Plaza. The anonymous killer in the window of the schoolbook depository, firing a compact Mauser breakdown rifle. The Msgt. on the grassy knoll. An M-1 carbine w/ aparatrooper stock. It was this man and this gun that fired the fatal shots to the front in Kennedy's upperchest and head. The bullets were designed to fragment on impact and leave little or no evidence. Another interesting note. Harwood was on psycho leave at the Presidio's hospital in San Francisco a few years later. Because they said he was distraught over his wife leaving him for another man. A little while later the Zodiac killings started. They continued until Harwood was discharged and sent overseas as an advisor. He was never heard from again, though a copycat kept up with the correspondence to the news and police. |
Re: Who really killed Kennedy
From: kemlo-ga on 03 Jul 2006 03:31 PDT |
"The bullets were designed to fragment on impact and leave little or no evidence" Therefore they would leave little or no damage |
Re: Who really killed Kennedy
From: nick_l-ga on 26 Jul 2006 16:03 PDT |
I have to say I think the question a rather ill-formed one. There are over 40 major published works that are primarily or solely concerned with the Kennedy assassination that have or have had considerable national (and international) sales. The theories are numerous, and a simple search on the internet, or viewing of the article of Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_F._Kennedy_assassination) reflects the multiplicity of views and conflicting "evidence". Kennedy's death, however, is best seen not as an act in isolation but in the context of the President's public life and career . One of the best works on this is Robert Dallek's biography, "John F. Kennedy: An Unfinished Life" (Penguin, 2003). Dallek, with whom I am inclined to agree, concludes that Oswald was indeed responsible and points out that the case against him is much stronger, and much more plausible, than any of the other theories when based on objective evidence. Gerald Posner's book "Case Closed" (Random House, 1993), is a good refutation of many of the conspiracy theories that are even today wondering about. |
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