How many laptops are stolen *from hotel rooms* each year in the US or the World?
A good answer must cite a credible source, such as a government agency
report (FBI, for instance), or a report from a standard industry
research company. If the actual full-text report is available online,
this would be great. A good answer will specifically address the
question by including where the thefts occurred.
A bad answer will provide the easily found links to Laptop Statistics page that will only
indicate the raw number of reported laptop thefts, but not provide
where the theft occurred (home, office, hotel room, airports, etc). A
bad answer will be a dated answer, one from 2001 or 2002. A bad
answer would be a uncorroborated selling bullet-point found on a
company's website that stands to profit from making the case sound
worse than it is. A bad answer is one that provides a two-part
response, one providing the number of stolen laptops, and then
associated advice from the same organization saying "make sure to
secure laptops in hotel rooms"
If US statistics aren't available, statistics from a Western European
country would be acceptable provided they meet the requirements
outlined above AND the reference cited is in ENGLISH. |