Hello Gabe~
Fortunately, it isn't too difficult to get video on the web.
Start by getting using of a digital camcorder. The higher the
resolution on the camera, the better the quality of the video, but you
can help ensure a professional looking video by using enough light.
The easiest way to do this is to shoot outdoors on an overcast day.
Shooting midday, with the sun out, is the worst possible time, as the
sun will cast ugly shadows and wash out colors. Without special,
expensive lighting equipment, shooting indoors may result in a muddy,
dark video.
The camcorder will come with software that will make it easy to put
the resulting video on your computer. If you desire, you can edit the
video using Windows Movie Maker. (In XP, you'll find this under
Programs>Accessories.) WMM is easy to use, but here are some good
Atomic Learning: http://www.atomiclearning.com/moviemaker2
Windows Movie Maker:
Do Amazing Things: http://www.windowsmoviemakers.net/Books/DoAmazingThings.aspx
There are several ways to upload your video, but the easiest is go to
use the FTP site for your website. Right click the video file on your
computer and select COPY. Go to the appropriate file on your FTP site
and right click and select PASTE.
For more detailed instructions on putting video on your website, please see:
"Putting Video on Your Website," Webdeveloper.com:
"What is FTP," About.com:
"How Do I Add Video to My Website?" Boutell.com:
Good luck!
Researcher's personal knowledge
Google search: uploading video to website |