Hello humberto~
Possibly the very best resource for learning how to get published in
magazines is "How To Write Irresistible Query Letters" by Lisa Collier
Cool (available through bookstores, including Amazon:
) This is truly the only guide you need to learn how to pitch
unsolicited articles to any magazine. It is trustworthy, realistic,
and down to earth.
While you're waiting for the book to arrive on your doorstep, the
following articles may also be of interest:
* "How to Break into Magazine Writing," About.com:
* "Seven Steps to Writing for Magazines, for Money" about WAHM:
* "Writing for Magazines," Salon:
In addition to the basics on querying magazines, you'll need to learn
how to find potential markets. Often, you'll find potential magazines
local newsstands. (Hint: Query the "managing editor.") But not every
magazine is going to be available at your local bookstore or
newsstand. Therefore, The Writer's Digest ( www.writersdigest.com )
becomes handy. This website (and, if you prefer, book) lists thousands
of truly up to date magazine listings, what editors are looking for
from freelance writers, and how to contact them. The advantage of
using the website is that listings are updated daily, so you know
you're always getting the latest, most accurate information.
I also highly recommend that novice freelancers sign up for the
Writer's Weekly newsletter( http://www.writersweekly.com/ ). The
website and newsletter provide how-tos, inspiration, and market
Good luck!
Researcher's personal knowledge
Google searches: breaking into magazines, writing for magazines |