Dear daver67,
You will find an archive of cover images for 1399 different magazines at
the following address. I prepared this archive from public web sources
using custom data-extraction tools of my own.
Magazine Covers
Downloading and unpacking the archive results in a directory with 25
subdirectories in which the cover images are sorted by magazine title. An
accompanying CSV file, which you can import into any spreadsheet, lists
each title along with the file name of the corresponding image.
In case you are worried about legal strictures on the reproduction of
such images, rest assured that the use of thumbnail representations is
protected by fair-use doctrine. Although rights to commercial exploitation
of the original image may be reserved by the copyright holder, a small
derivative image may be freely used as a reference to the original.
The size of a digital image has bearing on its fair use. SPIRO
only displays thumbnail images on the World Wide Web. Thumbnails
are limited to 125 x 125 pixels. At this size they can serve
three similar purposes: reference images to actual slides; visual
surrogates of objects; or visual citations to the contents of
books and periodicals. Thumbnails can be downloaded, but are
so small that there is nothing to steal or misappropriate. Even
CONFU recognized that thumbnail images have no commercial value.
University of Texas: General Counsel: Digital Images and Fair Use Web Sites
In 2003, the court in the US case Kelly v. Arriba Soft Corporation
ruled that it was fair use for Internet search engines to
use thumbnail images to help web users to find what they were
looking for.
Wikipedia: Thumbnail
I have found it an interesting challenge to answer your question. If you
have any concerns about the accuracy or completeness of my work, please
advise me through a Clarification Request and allow me the opportunity
to fully meet your needs before you rate this answer.
Search strategy:
magazine cover [image search]
thumbnail fair use
:// |