What are the favorite varities of poker, in home (or private games),
according to region in the United States?
For example (and this is entirely an example), home players in the
Northeast may prefer 7-Card Stud games with no-limit betting
structures, while players in the Southeast might prefer 5-Card Draw
spread-limit games.
I'm not looking for a comprehensive list in each region, really, but a
fairly solid idea of what the most preferred (something like the top 2
or 3
varieties) versions of poker are regionally. Information about betting
structure used is useful, and would provide even more clarification,
but isn't as necessary to the question as the variants of poker itself.
Regarding region, a generalized region would be fine and expected --
such as northeast, southwest, midwest, etc.
Regarding the poker variant itself, unless it is some highly unusual
variant, no explanation of the variant is required. Just a name (and
an alternate if it goes by one or more) would be useful, though not
That's it! Just curious what types of games people play outside of the
context of the no-limit high-stakes community-card type of poker so
prevelant in the media. |