If you could change your Name ... What would it become
Category: Miscellaneous Asked by: probonopublico-ga List Price: $5.00 |
12 Jul 2006 20:13 PDT
Expires: 20 Jul 2006 22:17 PDT Question ID: 745818 |
I am, of course, referring to your GA Name. Some changes (I believe) are not only desirable but necessary. For example, kemlo-ga should surely by kantspel-ga? And pinkfreud-ga could become goldenoki-ga? And jack_of_few_trades-ga could become jack_the_lad-ga? Me? I would have opted for archae0pteryx-ga if someone hadn't already got there first. So maybe ... archae999pteryx-ga ... if that's OK with archae0pteryx-ga. pb |
There is no answer at this time. |
Re: If you could change your Name ... What would it become
From: pinkfreud-ga on 12 Jul 2006 20:19 PDT |
I rather like the anagram friedpunk-ga. http://www.mortalwombat.com/Image/KFP.jpg |
Re: If you could change your Name ... What would it become
From: boquinha-ga on 12 Jul 2006 22:04 PDT |
"For example, kemlo-ga should surely by kantspel-ga?" LOL! Ah, thanks for the laugh, Bryan! Sincerely, Queen Ha P.S. Thinking about your question--can we suggest names for other GARs, too? Oooh, this could be fun! :P I like how your mind works. |
Re: If you could change your Name ... What would it become
From: probonopublico-ga on 12 Jul 2006 22:25 PDT |
Of course, Queen Ha, suggest names for other GARS and non-GARS alike! I wonder who would qualify for ga-ga? |
Re: If you could change your Name ... What would it become
From: answerfinder-ga on 13 Jul 2006 00:30 PDT |
The way I've been performing lately, unabletofindanswers-ga. |
Re: If you could change your Name ... What would it become
From: politicalguru-ga on 13 Jul 2006 01:32 PDT |
Bryana-ga BTW, and my apologuies to all of the Bryanas, but this name is IMHO only second to "Nigella" in its expression of disappointment that you have a daughter. Notwithstanding that Nigella Lawson is one hell of a woman. |
Re: If you could change your Name ... What would it become
From: kemlo-ga on 13 Jul 2006 01:45 PDT |
I have always wanted a more maskuline monica, like "Iron Duke" or "The Black Prince" or "Vortigan". But I am stuck with Kemlo because it is easy to remmemmbber. Its also the code word to my bank akkounts.Creddit card, Paypal, all my other codeword needs and its my mothers maiden name. One word fits all KEMLO+GA |
Re: If you could change your Name ... What would it become
From: eiffel-ga on 13 Jul 2006 02:45 PDT |
I take it you're joking about all that, Kemlo. If not, your mother will need to change her maiden name for security purposes. |
Re: If you could change your Name ... What would it become
From: myoarin-ga on 13 Jul 2006 06:28 PDT |
great question, 'nother great question from PB, aka Bryan. Ever wonder if that is his real given name, if Daisy really exists? (I believe so; the story about his having to hold her while his daughter cut Daisy's whiskers goes beyond even his delightful imagination. I am still happy with my choice and find charming that one Researcher regularly misspells it. Poly-guru-ga seems much more appropriate for Politicalguru-ga, since she so often demonstrates great knowledge of many fields unrelated to politics. "Hummer-ga" is a real bummer of a name, at least with no knowledge of its choice. Something like "Visavizard-ga" would seem more appropriate. Scriptor-ga is dead on with his choice, although there recently have been too few questions for his skills. |
Re: If you could change your Name ... What would it become
From: canadianhelper-ga on 13 Jul 2006 06:49 PDT |
I'd change mine to game_attempt |
Re: If you could change your Name ... What would it become
From: aussietpp-ga on 13 Jul 2006 10:20 PDT |
noidea-ga |
Re: If you could change your Name ... What would it become
From: pinkfreud-ga on 13 Jul 2006 11:06 PDT |
This old thread about screen names might be of interest to many: http://www.answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=80023 |
Re: If you could change your Name ... What would it become
From: sublime1-ga on 13 Jul 2006 12:52 PDT |
Here's another old thread about researcher nicknames: http://www.answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=345980 |
Re: If you could change your Name ... What would it become
From: bowler-ga on 13 Jul 2006 13:09 PDT |
First I wanted robertskelton-ga but it was already taken. Then I came up with tutuzdad-ga but again, it was taken. Finally I tried probonopubllico-ga (with two l's) but apparently there was some "incident" with the name. If I could change it I would try juggler-ga (DAMN, taken). Oh well, I'm just a lowly commentor anyway. |
Re: If you could change your Name ... What would it become
From: steph53-ga on 13 Jul 2006 13:12 PDT |
What a fun question, Bryan!!! Me? I wouldn't change my GA nic as I use "Steph" in all my other "internet related activities". But I can't tell you what the 53 stands for...LOL. And I LOVE your nic and always have!!! Interesting question though. Steph53 |
Re: If you could change your Name ... What would it become
From: tutuzdad-ga on 13 Jul 2006 13:12 PDT |
I'm actually amazed that no one has yet signed on as commenter-ga or peanut-ga |
Re: If you could change your Name ... What would it become
From: myoarin-ga on 13 Jul 2006 15:49 PDT |
Thanks, Pink and Sublime, for the links, delightful reading and confirmed my assumption about the source of Hummer's name (I take back the "bummer" :-). Steph, I suspect that the 53 could have a dual meaning this year - give or take a couple of months. ?? |
Re: If you could change your Name ... What would it become
From: archae0pteryx-ga on 13 Jul 2006 20:27 PDT |
I *did* change my name. Archaeopteryx wasn't available at first, so for a couple of years I was Apteryx-ga. But I wasn't comfortable with it--it just wasn't "me" somehow. I think perhaps it was too tight. So I stitched 'rchaeo' into the middle of it and it fit much better. (I had to susbtitute a zero for the 0 in order to claim it.) After a little adjustment period, all the nice GAers who knew me as Apteryx got used to it, so there was no loss. Best of all, my nickname still fit! (You and Pink gave it to me, Bryan, remember? It is one of my treasures.) So I say go for it! Live your dream! Be all you can be! Change is good for the soul! Nothing to stop you from using two names, establishing your new one, and then after a while just letting the old one go like the sloughed-off skin of a lizard. I, for one, think I would know you under any guise, Bryan--even posing as Queen Liz!!--because of your inimitable style. (Well, it is imitable, but it isn't counterfeitable.) So if you'd like to be archae999pteryx-ga, by all means, be my guest. I'll tell folks you're my cousin. Best regards, Tryx |
Re: If you could change your Name ... What would it become
From: probonopublico-ga on 13 Jul 2006 23:05 PDT |
Wow! Some fascinating responses and an interesting trawl into the past, thanks to Pink and Bowler. In my opinion, Bowler really does deserve to become TopHat (or maybe Bearskin or better still Bareskin) and Eiffel should now consider becoming Eyeful. Great to hear from Sublime1 but if anyone needs an update it is he. How about QuickLime? Oh yes, Eyeful, Kemlo WAS joking. On a previous occasion, he revealed that Kemlo was the name of his Teddy Bear that he still takes to bed with him. Moreover, many Passwords require more than 5 letters and some also need at least one numeral. Hi there, Polly ... I actually have TWO daughters, as well as Daisy who was groomed yesterday, so she can now see again. I don't know much about Nigella ... Which team does she play for? Oh yes, Polly, Which game did you see? Did you paint your face? And did you enjoy? All the Best to All the Best I appreciate Tryx's kindness but I have decided to change my name to ... Adonis-ga (A Handsome Young Man) |
Re: If you could change your Name ... What would it become
From: myoarin-ga on 14 Jul 2006 03:15 PDT |
Why does my heart always skip a beat when I read archae0pteryx? Could it be love - of her questions? Now mostly faint, enchanting recollections of the past. Ah, her fling under the alias of Edthesausagemaker-ga, which demonstrated that several commenters don't read past the question before posting. Ha, Adonis-ga, if you feel like that at your age, it is time to go out and buy the sportiest convertable you can afford, British, of course. I cannot envisage you in anything less than an Aston-Martin, preferably an older model that suggests that you have owned it for decades, i.e., that you have always been an Adonis - not just a recent wannabe. Try this for size: http://www.classicdriver.com/de/magazine/3500.asp?id=3446 Myo (oh, also known as Ratty occasionally, when Frde-ga is in a good mood) |
Re: If you could change your Name ... What would it become
From: frde-ga on 14 Jul 2006 05:30 PDT |
Actually, MyOarin, I only call you 'Ratty' when I've had a few - it is a sort of compliment, but makes me a 'mole' - and I don't quite like that (Toad was useless in boats, and I am all in favour of gassing Badgers - TB is a menace) Curiously, today I was turfing out some junk, and came across a photograph of a rather chaotic Eight with me heaving as 5 - whoever took that shot had an eye for caricature. The Bow side are straining away, stroke has his oar in his lap, and looks ready for a well deserved siesta - not at all distinguished, but it looks as if we were doing the aquatic equivalent of a handbrake turn. Re an earlier post, Bryan is (I am sure) his given name, when he went AWOL some time ago, I did some profiling, interesting stuff. Reverting to topic, I find FRDE highly amusing |
Re: If you could change your Name ... What would it become
From: hummer-ga on 14 Jul 2006 06:26 PDT |
Thanks, Myo - [sniff] - H |
Re: If you could change your Name ... What would it become
From: aussietpp-ga on 14 Jul 2006 09:51 PDT |
Definately not assie-ga |
Re: If you could change your Name ... What would it become
From: aussietpp-ga on 15 Jul 2006 05:12 PDT |
whatdoesthatmean-ga |
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