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the widow's mite in the bible-good or bad
Category: Relationships and Society > Religion Asked by: gman38-ga List Price: $5.00 |
13 Jul 2006 08:33 PDT
Expires: 12 Aug 2006 08:33 PDT Question ID: 745941 |
the "widow's mite" in the Bible (Luke 21:1-4)...is this an example of good giving or bad misguided giving? Is the widow an example for all to follow or is she an example of a poor soul being exploited by the "teachers of the law" who "devour widow's houses" |
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Re: the widow's mite in the bible-good or bad
Answered By: kriswrite-ga on 13 Jul 2006 08:56 PDT |
Hello gman~ Traditionally speaking, this story from the Gospel of Luke is taken in a straight forward manner: Jesus praises the widow for giving. She did not have much, but she gave what she could. This is a far greater gift that giving a larger sum when you have a great deal more. Or, as one website puts it: "The question should not be, 'How much can I spare?' but rather, 'How much can I sacrifice?' Not 'How much can I give?' but, 'How much can I give up?'" ("Stewardship," Frontline Ministries: http://www.frontlinemin.org/stewardship.asp ) However, there are some who try to look at the story in a more complicated manner. For additional viewpoints, please see "Widow's Mite" at Visions of Giving: http://www.visionsofgiving.org/widowsmite.htm This extensive article offers many ways of looking at the story, with strong leanings away from the traditional viewpoint. Kind regards, Kriswrite RESEARCH STRATEGY: widow's mite widow's mite Luke 21:1-4 Luke 21:1-4 Lk 21:1-4 |
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Re: the widow's mite in the bible-good or bad
From: pugwashjw65-ga on 13 Jul 2006 22:23 PDT |
IT IS A GOOD EXAMPLE. Here is the same scripture from the New World translation; 21 Now as he looked up he saw the rich dropping their gifts into the treasury chests. 2 Then he saw a certain needy widow drop two small coins of very little value there, 3 and he said: ?I tell YOU truthfully, This widow, although poor, dropped in more than they all did. 4 For all these dropped in gifts out of their surplus, but this [woman] out of her want dropped in all the means of living she had.? The old fashioned term ' mite' meaning small, can be a bit mis-leading. Two small coins is much clearer. In the context of the time, the woman was contributing to the upkeep of Almighty God's temple. God himself is very well aware of this and regardless of whether the religious leaders used the donations wisely or not, God, who owns the whole world anyway, can give sustenance or wealth to whoever he chooses. From the womans's point of view, she was giving her coins direct to God as a form of thanks. She was not concerned whether they were used wisely or not. She had faith that although they might have been her very last coins, God in his wisdom would look after her for her needs. It is a matter of faith in God. |
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