Dear Williamstern,
Thank you for the clarification.
The additional information helped me find the product you're seeking.
It's Turbodiet!
?Goran had a first taste of the Turbodiet products in 1997 while
playing a match with Marc Rosset who was drinking the Turbodiet energy
drink. Since that day, Goran hardly steps on a tennis court without
having a bottle of the orange flavoured Turbodiet energy drink. ? It
gives me an energy boost, helps me to re-strengthen and to get going,
especially during long matches ??
?Goran does not follow any specific diet, but still respects a certain
balance. ? It is important to drink, during training sessions as well
as during competitions. It all depends on the circumstances though, I
do not drink a lot at indoor matches, or during short matches, but
when it is hot, for example at the Australian open, I can easily drink
up to two litres ?.?
For more information on Turbodiet products, please contact:
Groupe Arkopharma
Laboratoires Pharmaceutiques
P.O. Box 28
06511 Carros cedex
Tel: 33 4 9329 1128
Fax: 33 4 9329 1162
Wayback Machine
Archived website dated December 7, 2000
You can order Turbodiet drink, booster gel and powder here:
Also available at the following sites:
Search criteria:
I used the Wayback Machine to search for an archived copy of Goran
Ivanisevic?s official website.
I hope the information provided is helpful!
Best regards,
Bobbie7 |