Hello prpro-ga,
Your question is very challenging. Just as the Google and Yahoo!
directories only capture a small segment of all websites it?s equally
daunting to try to create directories of the blogosphere. It is more
difficult than trying to categorize and classify websites because the
growth rate is very high and blogs are less stable than websites. I
suggest that you review these links for some recent information about
the State of the Web so you can get a better understanding of the
State of the Blogosphere, August 2006
In summary:
-- Technorati is now tracking over 50 Million Blogs.
-- The Blogosphere is over 100 times bigger than it was just 3 years ago.
-- Today, the blogosphere is doubling in size every 200 days, or
about once every 6 and a half months.
-- From January 2004 until July 2006, the number of blogs that
Technorati tracks has continued to double every 5-7 months.
-- About 175,000 new weblogs were created each day, which means that
on average, there are more than 2 blogs created each second of each
State of the Blogosphere, February 2006 Part 1: On Blogosphere Growth
State of the Blogosphere, April 2006 Part 2: On Language and Tagging
Given the difficulty of categorizing blogs into directories,
nevertheless I?ve located a selection of sources for you. The main
problem is that even the largest blog directories have less than
100,000 listings. The quality of these directories varies tremendously
and the only way to determine which might be useful to you is to have
you experiment with some of them.
Here are some links to directories of weblog directories. Googl,
Yahoo! and some others have added categories to their directories for
classifying blogs. These directory entries provide very brief
descriptions of the weblog directories to help guide you in choosing
which ones might be useful for finding technology industry blogs.
Computers --> Internet --> On the Web --> Weblogs
Computers --> Internet --> On the Web --> Weblogs --> Directories
Directory à Computers and Internet à Internet à World Wide Web à
Weblogs à Directories
Weblogs Compendium ? Directories
Here are some of the weblog directories I looked at to help you find
ones that might be useful for finding technology industry blogs. I?m
sorry to report that most of them seem to be sparse, they don?t have
criteria for inclusion based on quality, the categorizations are not
consistent and the search capabilities are limited. I suggest that you
review what?s available with these weblog directories and evaluate for
yourself whether they?re worth using.
What's the purpose of BlogCatalog?
BlogCatalog's purpose it to list Blogs available on the Internet. The
goal is to provide a service that drives traffic to Blog owner's sites
aswell as give users searching for Blog's an easy way to find them.
Technology (1,894)
Internet (1,389)
Business (1,381)
Computers (1,086)
Blog Resources (378)
Mobile (140)
Podcasting (90)
(This is a directory of blogs. Unfortunately it does not offer a
search capability so you have to browse by category to try to find
what you?re looking for. The categories of greatest interest to you
seem to have very limited coverage.)
What is Blogwise?
Blogwise is a site about developing a portal to blogs around the
world, efficiently, quickly and nicely. We're here to help you find
the best blogs from around the world that will interest and captivate
(This is a slow and cumbersome blog directory. You can search it but
the results seem erratic. You can also browse by alphabetic keywords.
A short list of categories is provided by country and keywords. Here
is a sample in your area of interest:
blog (4309)
technology (2639)
66182 blogs listed, 169 in last 7 days.
The Blog Directory
37,271 blogs and blog resources listed.
-- Browse
-- Most Cool
-- Most Popular
-- Highly Rated
Blog Directory
(20,701 blogs listed as of August 13, 2006)
(All manually verified and checked every 7 days)
Alternative ways to find blogs: Blog Tags | Search | By Language | By Country
As frustrating as it is to use Technorati and other blog search
engines, you may have to rely on them for finding what you need. The
blog search industry is growing and changing and I expect that they
will keep improving.
What can you do in the meantime? I suggest that you create your own
directory of blogs that are relevant and useful for the technology
industry sector you?re involved with. If you start out with a few high
quality ones that are highly relevant to your interests you will start
building a collection of resources that are tailored to your needs.
You might want to post a question on Google Answers to have a
researcher develop a small directory to meet your immediate needs.
I?m sorry I?m the bearer of bad news. I hope that the weblogs
directories I?ve found will be of some use. Please don?t hesitate to
ask for clarification if you need further assistance with the
information I?ve found.
Wishing you well for your projects.
~ czh ~
blog directories
top OR best OR list "blog directory"
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