Hello Alsinger,
Below you will find a great deal of information regarding website
award programs. Tips to achieve a winning site are also provided.
Top Website Awards
?The awards in these pages have been selected by Website Awards as the
Top Awards in the world. They earned this distinction by being widely
recognized among webmasters as the best awards in their country of
origin and by having very high standards. They are the elite awards,
and they are very difficult to win. Out of thousands of applications?
How to win awards
?Awards are a way to gain recognition for you and your website. They
bring prestige and more traffic to your site, and they enhance your
credibility as a webmaster. We all want to know that our creativity
and hard work are appreciated. After all the time and effort you've
put into creating your site, you deserve some recognition! The
information in these pages will help you get that recognition. It will
show you how to prepare your website and how to apply for awards!?
How to Apply For Awards
Webby Awards
?The Webby Awards is the leading international award honoring
excellence in Web design, functionality and creativity. Established in
1996 during the web's infancy, the Webbys are presented by The
International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences, a 500-member body
of leading web experts, business figures, luminaries, visionaries and
creative celebrities.?
Award Sites! (United States)
?Does your site and/or design talent have what it takes to earn a
website award rated by the premiere and original rating service on the
internet? Or do you just want to visit quality to outstanding designed
and presented sites with diverse topics and content??
Articles by Award Givers
Articles by Award Seekers
More articles
List of Award Indexes
?This page contains a list of the best Award Indexes on the Web today.
They each provide a comprehensive list of awards from around the
world, or in a particular country.?
Vision Sit Design Awards
Tips to achieve a high score:
?Web Design: Make certain that your web graphics have meaning and
relevance to your website, your colors don't clash and backgrounds are
not overpowering. View your pages as though you are visiting your
website for the first time; is there that compelling factor that makes
you want to carry on browsing the pages.
Content: First and foremost do you know what you are talking about? Be
certain your research is current and relevant as well as being
interesting and informative and has good clean graphics. The overall
content has to be eye catching and original to make your visitor want
to return. There are many spell checks available, make use of them.
Layout: Make certain that the layout of your pages is easy on the eye
and makes sense to the viewer. Try to use page justification, it just
looks better. Make certain you use the same fonts throughout the
website for consistency sake. If a page is long (anything over two
browser pages lengths) be certain to have a method to get to the "Top"
of the page without having to scroll up.
Navigation: Navigation must be available from all pages and must link
to your main pages. There is little that is more annoying than having
to resort to utilizing the browsers back button, or finding links on
all pages that take you back to a table of contents or site map.?
Treasured Web Awards - General criteria and scoring
Treasured Web Awards evaluated each website by reviewing its
- Content
- Design
- Navigation
- Overall Appeal.
?Points may be gained or lost depending on how well the website has
met with the listed criteria for each of these areas. 100 total
points may be earned by receiving all of the points in each of the
four (4) categories, plus there is a possibility of earning 3 Bonus
Points which could help you make up for points lost in other areas.?
For example:
Content (Possible Points: 50)
?This is the area where you can earn the largest amount of points.
Content is such an important part of your website. If your content
isn't appealing to your visitors, they won't be returning to your
site. ?
- Your site should have at least 7 quality pages
- Music should have a visible means of cut-off
- Animations should show relevance to your subject
- Always give your visitors a way to contact you
- You should make certain that your spelling and grammar have been checked
- If you collect information from your visitors, you should have a
privacy policy and should be in compliance with COPPA (Children's
Online Privacy Act)
- Do you give anything to your visitors?
- You should show originality in your content ?
See detailed information on Design, Navigation and Overall Appeal at
the link below.
Winning Tips
Treasured Web Awards has provided these "winning tips" to give you a
more in-depth explanation of what our judges look for during their
evaluation of your site.
Evaluation Self Test
Search terms:
webite awards
Winning OR winners tips
I hope the information provided is helpful!
Best regards,
Bobbie7 |