On June 19, 2006, Joe Manchin, Governor of West Virginia, signed into
law House Bill 101, also known as the Child Protection Act of 2006.
"Governor Signs Child Protection Act of 2006 Into Law
Jun 19, 2006
CHARLESTON, W.Va. - Gov. Joe Manchin today signed into law House
[Bill] 101, the Child Protection Act of 2006, during a bill signing
ceremony at the State Capitol."
Governor Joe Machin III - West Virginia's 34th Governor
You'll find the full text here (warning - extreme legalese ahead!):
West Virginia Legislature: Bill Text, H.B. 101
This was an interesting (if roundabout) search project. I began by
finding the name of West Virginia's Governor. I then used the
governor's surname and the name of the state in combination with
several phrases that I thought might appear in an article describing
the passage of the law. This was the search string that gave me the
information leading to the answer:
Google Web Search: "west virginia" manchin "child protection"
Once I had identifying information on the bill, I tracked it down with
another Google search:
Google Web Search: "west virginia" hb101 OR "h b 101" OR "house bill 101"
Although Jessica Lunsford's name is not included in the text of the
law, Jessica was clearly on the minds of some of the legislators who
sponsored the bill:
"I am so sorry for your loss. Only God can heal your pain. But we can
certainly make it more difficult for predators in the future. In
response to your situation, I, along with several other Delegates,
have asked that a law similar to Jessica's law be drafted for
introduction in the next session...Delegate Patrick Lane
I echo Delegate Patrick Lane's condolences and am equally sorry for
your loss. As the lead sponsor of the WV Child Protection Act of 2006
that will be introduced in the legislative session this January, along
with Delegate Lane, and others, we want to send a clear message that
sexual predators will not be tolerated in West Virginia... Delegate
Kelli Sobonya"
Cached from West Virginians Against Abuse website
I hope this is helpful! Please let me know if anything is in need of clarification.
Best regards,
pinkfreud |