In 2005, Jessica Lunsford was murdered in Florida. A registered sex
offender later confessed to the crime; he's scheduled to go on trial
in Florida this month.
In response to this tragedy, the Florida legislature passed a set of
laws known informally as "Jessica's Law." The informal name of the
act in Florida is "The Jessica Lunsford Act." These laws increased
penalties for sex-related crimes, tightened registration requirements
for sex offenders, and mandated the sharing of criminal background
information among Florida law enforcement agencies (among other
I'm trying to assess the status of Jessica's Law--or legislation
similar to Jessica's law--in Colorado.
Citations to government web sites, reputable sources such as the
National Conference of State Legislatures, or reputable news sources
would be acceptable to document the answer to this question.
(Interest group web sites, petitions, and so forth might point us in
the right direction, but they aren't always up-to-date--or even
I realize that, in states where Jessica's Law just isn't on the table,
there simply might not be affirmative citations available saying, in
essence, "Jessica's law isn't on the table in this state," so, in
those cases, if you could just provide the search terms you used to
try to locate the information, that would be great.
Thanks very much. I'm happy to provide more information, if you need it. |
Clarification of Question by
21 Jul 2006 15:54 PDT
One way into this question is to search the governor's web site, to
see if there are any press releases relating to sex offenders, sex
crimes, "child protection," "sexually violent predators," and so on.
Colorado's governor signed a package of anti-crime bills into law that
included provisions targeting "sexually violent predators": (See the bit
on SB 22.) Is this Colorado's version of Jessica's Law? The
legislation is probably related to or inspired by the Jessica's Law
wave, but it seems like a truncated version of Jessica's Law, at best.
(One of the key provisions of Jessica's Law-like legislation is
increased penalties, including mandatory minimum sentences, for
sex-related crimes--particularly crimes against children.)
This was the most relevant nugget of information I could find, and it
could be that I just answered my own question. But I'll leave the
question up, just in case, and I would be happy to provide more
Thank you very much.