I believe the database you are seeking is this one:
WIPO Gazette of International Marks on DVD
WIPO is the World Intellectual Property Organization, and their
Gazette is updated regularly with the marks registered internationally
in countries that are parties to the Madrid Agreement on intellectual
property. More than 60 countries are party to this agreement,
including just about all of the industrialized world.
If, for some reason, this database does not meet your needs, please
let me know by posting a Request for Clarification, and I'll be glad
to research this for you further.
search strategy -- used bookmarked site for WIPO databases. |
Clarification of Answer by
22 Jul 2006 17:28 PDT
Thanks for getting back to me, and I very much do hope the WIPO
database is compatible with your data management needs.
Your account has already been charged the fee you offered...that
happens automatically once an answer is posted.
However, if you find you have any problems or concerns about the
answer provided, just let me know by posting another message, and I'll
do my best to provide whatever additional information I can.