I'm looking to put together a speech for my little sister that is
getting married on July 29th, 2006 in upstate NY- 7 days from
today...in doing so I have put down some thoughts and memories I've
had over the years with my sister (Gretchen Tucker)...hoping that
someone could put it all together into a nice speech for me:
- G Bird, the Baby, Gretch & it would probably be "Miss Piggy" if it
were up to the gods that reside over the 20 Titus lane household...
Least favorite experience at a young, impressionable age:
- "Baby John's" hanging in the Winnebego, while driving cross country
with the Kellners...a great story!
Least favorite experience at 20 Titus lane:
- Tennis in the backyard > getting her ass beat by her brother (me) >
and she ends up in tears (at age 15)
Favorite Movie:
- Pete's Dragon...I mean what an awful movie. I googled it & the first
website it took me to was the "Earth's Biggest Movie Database" it's
amazing how right on it is..."Unless your idea of fun is Helen Reddy
singing absolute crap (and I say this as someone who admits enjoying a
few of her pop cuts), or the history of pasting cartoon dragons onto
film, there's nothing here. It's so bad, and so stupid, and so awful,
and the songs are so unbearably inane"...
Most grueling job:
- Hmmmm, I don't remeber G having one of these...maybe didn't have one
because by the time she was old enough our parents had the house
cleaning service, had lawn service, and increased G's allowance-- for
what, we don't know-- but in combination of Mom it was enough to...G,
not to put to put you on the spot or anything, but I was hoping that
you could share with us a grueling job. G? If you can't think of one ,
maybe we could ask T what her grueling job was. T?
Greatest skill among the Tucker family & one that all Tucker's have mastered:
- Out of all of us, she's the fastest eater at the dinner table- and
I'm fast & my dad's faster but G- she is undeniably the fastest!
Most relaxing moments growing up:
- Getting back rubs from Grandma and Aunt Wez
Favorite thing to do while at 20 Titus lane:
- Laying down on the couch, watching TV, drinking a Coke, with Bailey at your side
Best Bud of all time:
- Bailey Dog of course
Favorite drink:
- Coke - it was truly amazing how many Cokes she would drink in one
day- I would say she probably had (5) a day & this went on for a few
Favorite Dessert:
- it's a tie between Good Humor Toasted Almonds & Carvel ice cream -
funny story- Our Dad would often hide the Toasted Almonds in the
"other refrigerator" (not the fridge in the kitchen) with the hopes
that no one else would eat them...
Best friends growing up:
- Jenny Barrese
Biggest crush:
- Scott Rice
Her favorite expression:
- a tie between "Oh my god!" & "really?"
Greatest quality:
- Her sensitivity towards others - obviously not a quality I much
appreciated growing up with G, more one that I took advantage of...but
as the years have passed this is a quality that I have grown to
appreciate. And, G is now a woman that has a good head on her
shoulders, that has great friends, and is truly a great person that is
not only sensitive herself but sensitive towards how other people
First real boyfriend:
- And this brings me to Tyler...Other then Chris Coleman, I couldn't
imagine a better brother-in-law...SERIOUSLY! Despite the way he
dresses (all in pastels) OR the way he'll read the NY Times cover to
cover right next to me OR the fact that- ON A GOOD-- he is a very good
loser...what I mean by that is that he seems to have a lot of trouble
beating our family at anything, even his fiancee...even Chris Coleman
who at the beginning of the round was being instructed by Tyler to
"watch his swing" as I had never seen him play golf beat Tyler that
day...BUT SERIOUSLY he is lot of fun, he is a very smart man, a very
caring man & one that is obviously poised for greatness in his life.
Tyler, I know that you will take very good care of my sister as you
two grow old together. We have all been ready for this day for a very
long time and I can speak for the family when I say "we are so blessed
to have you a part of our family"
So....please raise your glasses and lets cheers to my sister and
brother-in-law and the greatness that they will be a part of in this
I wish you both the best! |