I want to create a simulation app, but I need some help planning how
to go about it.
My application must import rigid-body objects (created using Autodesk
Inventor) that already have degree of freedom information defined. My
application will then take in additional information about the
dynamics of these objects (like the power and stall force/torque at each
degree of freedom, friction coefficients, etc), and information about keyboard
mappings, both via an XML file. My app should then allow the user to
control the object and have the object interact with the environment
in a realistic way.
For example, the user should be able to import a "pendulum on a car"
object (with accompanying XML files) and be able to drive this car
around inside the simulator and see how the pendulum reacts to the
acceleration forces. If the car comes to a sudden stop right before a
brick wall then the bob should bounce off the brick wall... etc.
My question:
What open source graphics engine should I use as a platform for this
application, and how should I go about implementing this
What format should be exported from Autodesk Inventor?
What graphics and physics engine should I use?
How would I manipulate the objects using the selected graphics/physics engine?
Your help is greatly appreciated. Thank you!
List of open source graphics engines?
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_game_engines) |