Dreamweaver question. I want to put a file on my web site so someone
can download it. I'm relatively new. I used dreamweaver to put a .wav (or PDF)
file on my site.
However, it plays the wav file instead of allowing it to be
downloaded. I don't have any instructions on what to do. Can you
tell me or point me the instructions.
The site and page address it's loaded to as an example is:
http://www.aboutneurofeedback.com/find/0%20Mike.intro.wav |
Request for Question Clarification by
24 Jul 2006 12:38 PDT
The easiest way to allow website viewers to download a .PDF or .wav
file is to put up some text (or a graphic) and link the .PDF or .wav
to it. Then, ask viewers to right click the text or graphic, and
they'll be able to download the file.
Does this sufficiently answer your question?
Clarification of Question by
24 Jul 2006 12:45 PDT
I'm not looking for someone NOT to view or listen to the file. I only
want someone to be able to download the file from my site. The
example link shows you that the file plays in windows. That's NOT what
I'm trying to do.
Thanks. Mike
Request for Question Clarification by
24 Jul 2006 13:09 PDT
Mike, I'm confused by your clarification. The directions I gave above
allow web viewers to download your files quite easily. They'll also be
able to listen to them.
Clarification of Question by
24 Jul 2006 15:22 PDT
Kriswrite, I misunderstood your comments the first time. After you
posted the second time, I reread it and realized I needed to create a
new page with some test that was hyperlinked to the file. It did
allow me to then right click and choose "Save Link as". The saved
link saved downloaded the file, instead of playing it.
I was hoping for the bigger answer that torrentfox provided. Many non
technical users want to just click on the link and have the browswer
indicate that the file is about to be downloaded. That information
will give me a basis for a more "standard" type of download. I just
have to call my ISP to get help in figuring out how to set these
parameters. Both answers worked, each gave me something useful. I'm
not sure how to pay for it (my first question). Do I pay for both?
Request for Question Clarification by
24 Jul 2006 18:43 PDT
Hi Mike~
Torrentfox is not a Researcher, so you can't pay him for his answer.
However, he gave you the better answer, so I will bow out gracefully