Hello again Crystal4290,
The results of my research is as follows:
European Parliament
June 22, 2006
SECOND REPORT with recommendations to the Commission on protecting
European healthcare workers from blood borne infections due to
needlestick injuries
Committee on Employment and Social Affairs
Rapporteur: Stephen Hughes
(Initiative ? Rule 39 of the Rules of Procedure)
- Motion for a European parliament resolution
- Annex to the motion for a resolution: detailed recommendations as to
the content of the proposal requested
- Procedure
Download here: (12 pages)
Employment and Social Affairs: List of reports
CPME publication date: Wednesday, July 5, 2006
EP asks for enhanced legislation on needlestick injuries
?A large majority of the Social Affairs Committee adopted a report by
MEP Stephen Hughes (PES, UK) demanding the European Commission to
amend existing regulations to enhance the protection of workers
against the risk of infection from contaminated needles (32 in favour,
1 against, 1 abstention). According to the committee existing
directives (EC 2000/54/EC) which in theory should cover these risks
have not had the desired effect.?
?The report highlighted that the use of safer needles together with
regular training and organisational measures could help reducing the
number of injuries; especially among healthcare professionals. It
also stated that safer working practices and medical devices designed
to prevent accidental needlestick injuries would lead to financial
savings, as a million workers in Europe suffer injuries from used
surgical needles each year, involving HIV or hepatitis B or C
?After adoption by the committee on 20 April 2006 the report was sent
to the plenary and referred back with some proposed changes to the
committee by the June plenary session. Those change mainly referred to
the detailed recommendations to the contents of the proposals
requested from the Commission. As soon as the report is approved by an
absolute majority in the plenary, the European Parliament intends to
use this report to formally request the Commission to draft new
legislative proposals under a little-used procedure.?
?The EP adopted the recommendations to the Commission on protecting
European healthcare workers from blood borne infections due to
needlestick injuries (A6-0218/2006) on 6 July 2006 by 465 votes in
favour to 18 against with 13 abstentions.?
Source CPME
The Standing Committee of European Doctors (CPME) represents all
medical doctors in the EU which is approximately 2 million physicians.
Employment policy - 06-07-2006
?Protecting workers against the risk of infection from contaminated needles
Every year around a million workers in Europe, mainly in the medical
world, suffer injuries from used surgical needles. The consequences
can be serious, including infections from HIV or hepatitis B or C. The
European Parliament wants to improve existing EU legislation so as to
give workers better protection. MEPs adopted a report on this subject
with 465 votes in favour, 18 against and 13 abstentions.
MEPs believe that many of these "needlestick injuries" which occur in
the medical world could be prevented if appropriate measures were made
compulsory in medical and veterinary services. In a report by Stephen
Hughes (PES, UK), MEPs say studies have shown that the use of safer
needles together with regular training and organisational measures can
help reduce the number of injuries. They add that safer working
practices and medical devices designed to prevent accidental
needlestick injuries would also produce financial savings.
Parliament says the existing directives which should in theory cover
these risks have not had the desired effect. It therefore calls on the
Commission to add various new provisions to one of the directives
intended to improve accident prevention and the protection of workers
(Directive 2000/54/EC on the protection of workers from risks related
to exposure to biological agents at work). MEPs want the Commission
to put forward a proposal to amend this directive within three months.
This report was referred back to the committee by the June plenary
session. In the vote, MEPs adopted some changes to the version
originally adopted on 20 April 2006. These changes relate to the
annex to the report in which the committee makes detailed
recommendations as to the contents of the proposals requested from the
Commission.? http://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/expert/infopress_page/048-9501-187-07-27-908-20060629IPR09386-06-07-2006-2006-false/default_en.htm
Search terms used:
needlestick OR needlesticks legislation OR law in Europe OR European
I hope the information provided is helpful!
Best regards,
Bobbie7 |