About 5 years ago, J. Crew clothing company put out a catolog with a
mens outwear jacket in it. I am not sure of the name, but either the
name or how it was advertised had the word Graduation Coat/Jacket.
I.m guessing this was to do to the high cost of the jacket itself.
One year after the jacket was in the catolog i went to order it and
they had no more in stock or in their warehaouses for stores anywhere.
I know this is a long shot, but i have been thinking about this heavy
duty winter jacket for years passing now, and would still like to hunt
down and track this jacket in a size large to buy. I check ebay every
once in awhile but nothing ever posts. If i could at least get the
exact name of this item, or better yet, some distributor or private
person willing to sell this jacket in a size large, i would be
Extremely happy! |