Thanks for the guide, myoarin-ga.
As a legal U.S. citizen I certainly oppose this kind of sneaky policy pro
ILLEGAL entry of immigrants into U.S. border/s -- appropriately they
should be called "Illegal-alien-immigrants" - NOT immigrants; I am
sure of this by its sole definition. In my youth, I didn't pay much
attention to this kind of advocacy that was probably planned or
designed incrementally in favor of these Illegal immigrants
(emphasized--ILLEGAL). Thirty five (+/- 35 yrs)later with
'approximately 30 millions of them' (what?! 30-million illegals; is
this number too many? however, it makes my head spinned too much just
to think about this number! Now, there are various policies
to'legalize the illegals' (de-criminalize)specifically catering to
their needs to obtain variety of licenses.
In past years I had been punished for doing something illegal(even,it
was NON-violent first time offense with NO prior record whatsoever!).
Crossing a border illegally into a sovereign state or country was and
is definitely a 'criminal act' by virtue of international law properly
defined,observed or enforced. Looking back to the history of 'special
order 40', we had been fooled
in the name of fairness or 'tolerance' -- 35 years later this has
become unfair and we, U.S. citizens (or legal immigrants, naturalized
American citizens) may feel the pain of unjust catering to these
'privileged or under-privileged characters'(illegals)- I know I do.
Pain of unfairness felt,if and when these criminals or illegals were
de-criminalized, while in my case I was not afforded the same or
similar opportunity of 'fair treatment' as a U.S. citizen! OK, enough
of my observation. What is the solution? It is impractical to deport
all of them -- I am sure there will be more of them (from various
countries of the world)coming,crossing, invading again?! |