Hello Shadowmentat,
Currently over 8mm text messages are being sent each month and experts
project it to grow to 80 billion a month in 2008.
?As of January 2006, over 8 billion text messages are sent every month
? and that number has grown by 250% each year for the last two years.?
??over the next 2 years, Verizon Wireless anticipates the number of
text messages sent by their users on their network to grow nearly 5x
from 400mm per month (in July 2005) to over 2 billion per month.?
US Mobile Content Market = 68.7 million text users
Median age of a Text Message user is 38 yrs old.
49% M / 51% F
?Every 6 months since June 2003 SMS traffic volumes have increased at
least 37% in the U.S. ?
SMS Messages Sent Each Month ? graph
From the Common Short Code Administration:
?More than 7.2 billion mobile messages were sent over U.S. carrier
networks during June 2005, more than double the 2.8 billion messages
sent during June 2004. Revenue received in the U.S. during the first
six (6) months of 2005 from SMS traffic increased 154% to $1.24
billion. Analysts estimate that worldwide 878.3 billion mobile
messages will be sent in 2005, rising to 1.5 trillion in 2008.?
Common Short Code Administration
According to Forrester Research, 81 billion short messages are
expected to be sent in the U.S. by 2009.
?Mobile messaging revenue in the USA increased by 106% in 2004 and is
expected to continue to grow strongly over the next five years from
its current low base, according to a new report published by Analysys,
a global adviser on telecoms.?
?By 2008, mobile messaging alone will account for 10% ($16.4 billion)
of operators' total mobile services revenue.?
?In its study on U.S. mobile market trends, the Cambridge-based
private British research group Analysys, which focuses on
telecommunications issues, found that mobile messaging in the United
States rose by 106 percent in 2004 and will continue to grow steadily
over the next five years.?
"32.5 billion SMS messages in United States in first six months of
2005, up 32% from 24.7 billion in last six months of 2004."
"154% growth in monthly Text Messages: 7.3 billion messages in June
2005, up from 2.9 billion messages in June 2004."
?Americans sent 9.8 billion text messages in December 2005, up from
4.8 billion a year earlier, according to CTIA, the Wireless
Search terms:
"Text Messaging" market growth SMS
United States SMS messages billion market report
text messages growth OR projections OR projected
I hope the information provided is helpful!
Best regards,
Bobbie7 |