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How many people have been killed by terrorist acts on Israelian territory?
Category: Reference, Education and News > General Reference Asked by: uebber-ga List Price: $4.00 |
30 Jul 2006 06:23 PDT
Expires: 29 Aug 2006 06:23 PDT Question ID: 750821 |
How many people have been killed in Israel by Hezbollah and Hamas during the last 10 years or how many are killed each year on average? (I'm interested in this to compare these numbers to the civilian killings of Israel in Lebanon during the last 2 weeks to make a personal value judgement on the matter.) |
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There is no answer at this time. |
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Re: How many people have been killed by terrorist acts on Israelian territory?
From: markvmd-ga on 30 Jul 2006 08:18 PDT |
Limiting data to those killed in Israel by terrorist attacks claimed by Hizbollah and Hamas may give you too small a number. There are also other groups blowing up Israelis and themselves. |
Re: How many people have been killed by terrorist acts on Israelian territory?
From: frankcorrao-ga on 30 Jul 2006 09:36 PDT |
Also, its not valid to equivocate like this. Hezbollah and Hamas have deliberately targetted civilians. At the same time, they launch rockets from civilian centers, essentially using innocent Lebonese as human shields. The blood of dead civilians used as human shields is on the hands of those who hide. |
Re: How many people have been killed by terrorist acts on Israelian territory?
From: nelson-ga on 30 Jul 2006 09:59 PDT |
Sorry, no, your statement is incomplete, frankcorrao-ga. "The blood of dead civilians used as human shields is on the hands of" the Isreali government and military, who seem to think that it is okay to kill civilians in retaliation for terrorist attacks. I love the Jewish people, but I detest the Israeli State. |
Re: How many people have been killed by terrorist acts on Israelian territory?
From: frankcorrao-ga on 30 Jul 2006 13:07 PDT |
It is ok to kill civilians if your enemy chooses to attack from within civilian centers. That is an unfortunate consequence of war. Placing military assets near schools and the like is a war crime under the Geneva convention. Blame for collateral damage because of it is squarly on the shoulders of anyone who would use such tactics. |
Re: How many people have been killed by terrorist acts on Israelian territory?
From: markvmd-ga on 30 Jul 2006 13:57 PDT |
Nelson, whom exactly does a so-called "Palestinian" suicide bomber in a Sbarro pizzeria kill? The history of retaliation in this area has long been discussed. But the simple fact is that given land to form their own State, the Philistines did not begin securing funding for the building of schools, a university, a judicial center, or an orphanage; they elected terrorists to run their government and began lobbing rockets from Gaza into Israel and building a tunnel for the specific purpose of invading a nation and securing hostages. "Jihad is our path. Death to Jews." is the mantra the nations surrounding tiny, democratic Israel live by. From various sources: Between 1987 and 1993, 174 Israelis died in suicide bomb attacks. In actions against occupants of the Gaza Strip and West Bank, 1,162 Palestinians died during the same period. From December 1987 to 1992, a Palestinian uprising in the Israeli-occupied territories, the intifada, claimed more than 1,500, mostly Palestinian, lives. Over 12,000 people, including 500 Israelis, died in the Israeli invasions of Lebanon in 1978 and 1982. The period from September 2000 through February 25, 2004, saw 547 Arab Islamic terrorist murders and approximately 2,832 Arab Islamic terrorist woundings against Israelis. This is based on 132 Arab Islamic terrorist attacks with (average of 4.8 deaths and 22.0 woundings per attack) according to Israeli Defense Forces figures. The entire death toll after almost 60 years of near-constant attacks from its neighbors and Israel's struggle to protect itself from the extinction promised by its enemies: More than 120,000. Three wars, in 1948, 1967, and 1973, killed an estimated 100,000 people (Israeli losses--1948, about 6400; Six-Day-War, about 750; Yom Kippur War, about 2700). An estimated 2,600 Palestinians and 800 Israelis died between September 2000 and September 2003. Israel is our sole friend and ally in this entire region. The United States and other free, democratic countries cannot trust the Arab countries any more than you can trust a person that is repressive, abusive, dictatorial, bigoted, theocratic or a momma's boy (I threw that one in for my friend, Terry. Run, I tell you, run!) |
Re: How many people have been killed by terrorist acts on Israelian territory?
From: nelson-ga on 30 Jul 2006 16:22 PDT |
markvmd-ga, you are correct. Palestinians kill civilians. Israel kills civilians. Neither group can take the high road. One is as bad as the other. The Bible says "an eye for an eye, a tooth fo a tooth", so I guess that makes it all better. By the way, I'm not sure where you're going with "Israel is our sole friend and ally in this entire region". The U.S. does not actually need Israel for anything. They need us. I only wish that the Israeli govt. were run by the intelligent, level-headed Jews that I know, respect, and love in New York. |
Re: How many people have been killed by terrorist acts on Israelian territory?
From: markvmd-ga on 30 Jul 2006 17:25 PDT |
Nelson, you are quite right to say they need us. however, we also need them. Part of the strategic plans the US maintains-- and there are literally millions of pages of analysis in them-- is the use of Israel in the event of a serious, nuclear exchange in the middle east. We cannot trust any other nation to allow us to operate bases in their countries for any length of time so it falls to Israel to let us operate in the region. This option has not been used because of the extreme opposition to Israel from the Arab countries. The base we used in Saudi Arabia, ostensibly (even officially) a Saudi base, is the subject of such animosity that only the strong dictatorial power of the Saudi government kept it from being disbanded (or attacked). Even one of our most ardent supporters, Kuwait, may not be strong enough for us to use as a platform in the event of a serious regional war. Thus, our lone trustworthy ally is little, freedom-loving Israel. To veer even farther away from Uebber's question... For the most part, Israeli forces do not target civilians. Hamas, the PLO, Hizbollah, Al-queda, every other nut job splinter group or faction operating in the area, specifically does target civilians. Furthermore, guerrilla fighters almost by definition do not wear uniforms or belong to an established army. When such a person is killed in a military action, the death is counted as a civilian death. As Israel is about 1/50th the population of the US, each murder of an Israeli citizen-- and keep in mind there are Arab Israelis that are being killed as well-- needs to be scaled up by fifty to give an American a comparative idea of how many were killed. Israel has had several 9/11's worth of terrorist attacks over the decades. Their military has had several Iraq's worth of losses as well. Finally, to say that one is as bad as the other is to ignore the history. In 1948, on the day Israel came into existence, all the surrounding countries attacked it because they refused to recognize it (attacking a nation you don't recognize? Silly). The Six Day War was (technically preemptive) response to a blockade and military buildup. The War of attrition was started by Egypt to get back land it had lost during the Six Day War. The Yom Kippur War was a sneak attack against Israel. The 1982 invasion of Lebanon was a response to cowardly attacks from within that country, much as the current foray is. Such attacks on the US would result in a response of overwhelming destruction; just look at what we have done in retaliation for the September 11th attacks-- invaded two countries and caused the deaths of tens of thousands of people, disrupted global peace, interrupted the flow of petroleum, unbalanced world trade, and thrown the United Nations into its worst identity crisis ever. Makes Israel's actions seem tame by contrast. Until the Arab nations and Muslims stop annoying themselves with Israel and begin taking care of their own extensive problems, I cannot see a solution. Gaining the Gaza, the Palestinians had an option to work toward their own good; not surprisingly, they blew it up-- literally. Rather than live in houses built by the Israelis, they destroyed them and lived in the streets. A few days later I expect a few of them felt kinda stupid when they began whining about not having anyplace to live. Of course, there was that nice, cozy tunnel Hamas was digging... |
Re: How many people have been killed by terrorist acts on Israelian territory?
From: politicalguru-ga on 12 Aug 2006 04:35 PDT |
Interesting http://eureferendum.blogspot.com/2006/08/qana-directors-cut.html |
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