Hi matt1108,
Actually, there are quite a few email search engines. Surprisingly,
they seem to access different databases so you may have to try several
to get a positive result, and in some cases, you will not be able to
locate a listing even though your friends will have working email
First, go to Yahoo at http://people.yahoo.com/ and use their email
search facility by name.
Bigfoot at http://www.bigfoot.com/index.htm actually found 3 email
addresses I haven't used in years as well as current one when I
searched for myself!
Ez2www.com at http://ez2www.com/cgi-bin/directory/meta/search.pl/Reference/Directories/Address_and_Phone_Numbers/Email/
has another email search engine.
Here are a few more:
http://www.iaf.net/ - Internet Address finder
http://www.itools.com/ - iTools
http://mesa.rrzn.uni-hannover.de/ - MESA, Meta Email Tool
http://searchenginez.com/reverse_email.html - Search enginez email
search page
and, http://www.search.com/search?channel=10&cat=14 - CNET's
Search.com, which will search multiple email search engines.
I hope these will help to locate old friends!
-=clouseau=- |