Hello Aaronqwerty,
Below you will find the result of research for well known painters in Korea.
Cho Duck-Hyun
?Cho Duck-Hyun is quickly becoming one of Korea's internationally best
known artists. His work has a sophisticated understanding of the
formal nature of art and he has a shrewd comprehension of art history
and cultural hegemony.?
Read his biography and about his artworks here:
Well known artists from South Korea are Cho Duck Hyun and Kim Ho-Suk
Contemporary Art in Asia: Traditions, Tensions
"In 1997 the Asia Society organized and presented a large traveling
exhibition that began in New York , traveled to Canada and then to
Asia. The name of the exhibition, as the name of this book, was
documentation of what must have been an extraordinary show in this
sumptious, highly informed book/catalogue. The art displayed is from
India, Indonesia, the Philippines, South Korea, and Thailand. The
curatorial thread is one of demonstrating how contemporary work in
these very different countries is loosely united in each artist's use
of traditional imagery to address contemporary tensions - gender,
sexual, political, national, religious, and philosophical. The book
has beautifully concise and erudite essays by writers from each of the
cultures and there has rarely been a selection of commentators so well
selected. Then come the visuals and the treats in store for those who
do not know Asian art are endless. Some of the artists are extremely
well known: Cho Duck Hyun and Kim Ho-Suk from South Korea,?
Popular Korean artists:Young-ha Park, Jin Hyeok, Jung-Ho Kwon,
Myung-Bo Sim, Yong-Deok Lee, Sung-Tae Park, Hye-Yong Jang
?Among other big foreign artworks on display was a combined effort by
the Korea Gallery Association, made up of the top ten galleries in
South Korea.
The collection showed off the work of some of the most popular Korean
artists, such as Young-ha Park, Jin Hyeok, Jung-Ho Kwon, Myung-Bo Sim,
Yong-Deok Lee, Sung-Tae Park, Hye-Yong Jang et al.?
List of Korean Painters
North Korea
? Jung Chang-mo
? Chung Young-man
South Korea
? Hong Song-Dam
? Kim Ho-Suk
? Park Seo-bo
? Chu Chong-Keun
Search terms.
Popular artists painters Korean Korea
I hope the information provided is helpful!
Best regards,
Bobbie7 |