Working some words back to their original derivatives can be difficult
as some words have evolved over the centuries and merged with other
words. The result is that the word does not have an exact match but
rather a word or words that it was derived from.
For example fearless is a word created from less fear and although the
two words have latin translation, to bring them into context we need
to find a better way of saying the same thing. Hence Fearless becomes
"without fear" and the latin translation is "Fidens" as in Confidence
meaning without fear.
Anyway now the preamble (meaning before the walk....ahem) In order to
answer your question, I had to break down the line/s that you wished
translated and then build them back in ensuring that the correct
context is used.
Solus - Only
Fidens - Without Fear
Metus - Fear
Licens - Free
Vere - truly
Ego - I
Sum - I am
nos - We
orbis terrarum - The World
Dum vivimus, vivamus - While we live, let us live
Libertas - Freedom
Sum Licens Solus Fidens = I am free only without fear
Sum Vere Licens - Solus Fidens = I am truly free - only without fear
Fidens Sum Licens = Without Fear I am Free
Fidens Sum Vere Licens = Without Fear I am Free
Dum vivimus, vivamus fidens - While we live, let us live without fear
Dum vivimus, vivamus Licens fidens - While we live, let us live free without fear
Libertas Solus Fidens = Freedom only without fear
Libertas Fidens = Freedom without fear
I hope that the tattoo doesn't sting too much and that the above may
assist with a suitable choice.
If you would like to see a few other choice phrases - preprepared latin such as
Animadvertistine, ubicumque stes, fumum recta in faciem ferri? - (At a
barbeque) Ever noticed how wherever you stand, the smoke goes right
into your face?
This site is for you: http://www.yuni.com/library/latin.html
This site is useful for translations of words or small phrases and
allows reverse translation so that you can check context.
Johnny Phoenix |