Hello eestudent~
If you want to write off items you've purchased, you *should* save
those receipts. You could write items off without them in hand, but if
you are ever audited by the IRS, they will require the receipts. If
you don't have them, you'll end up paying more taxes, plus penalties.
If you haven't been able to write off much beyond your standard
deduction on your personal taxes, then it may not be worth your time
and effort to save the receipts. (If you have a business, however, I
highly recommend you save the receipts, since those write offs can
save you a bundle.) In some states with sales tax, saving all your
receipts in order to get credit for paying sales tax isn't absolutely
necessary, as the state will estimate how much you've already paid, if
you prefer.
To make receipt saving easier, each year, I buy one of those
slightly-bigger-than-a-shoe-box boxes sold for storing photographs in.
I label the box with the year, and try to choose an attractive design
that I don't mind having sitting around in an obvious place in my
house. Each evening, I empty my purse and pockets of receipts and
throw them into the box. I don't worry about sorting them until it's
tax time. (If I had to sort or file them more than once a year, I know
I'd never get it done!) To aid in this process, immediately throw away
any receipts that aren't suitable for tax purposes. (Most checkouts
have a trash bin nearby; use it!)
Here is a link to a forum where the topic of receipt saving is
discussed; it may interest you:
Kind regards,
personal knowledge
Google search: taxes saving receipts |
Clarification of Answer by
04 Aug 2006 16:10 PDT
Ah, so you wanted to know about STATE taxes, not Federal. Well, a
search at your state's Department of Revenue website (
http://www.dor.state.ma.us/sitemap/SiteMap.htm ) doesn't seem to
reveal anything other than how much the state sales tax is. It doesn't
appear that Massachusetts offers estimates for paid sales tax, judging
from this website.
However, according to the Department's "Guide to Sales and Use Tax,"
certain items are exempt; therefore, you wouldn't want to keep
receipts for them. The list is long, so rather than quoting
extensively here, I refer you to the .PDF guide. Please consult pages
14 through 23: http://www.dor.state.ma.us/publ/pdfs/sls_use.pdf
I hope this answers your newer questions.
Kind regards,
Department of Revenue Massachusetts
Massachusetts state tax
Massachusetts sales tax
Massachusetts sales tax receipts
Massachusetts sales tax receipts -gross