<Chess Player Demographics.
According to the USCF there are 90,000 active tournament players.
Source: USCF.
However if the results of the 2004 chess player survey are applied to
the total number of chess players in the US (45 million) this gives
the following results:
3% or 1.35 million describe themselves as pros.
39% or 17.55 million describe themselves as tourney players.
4% or 1.8 million play tournaments several times a month.
15% or 6.75 million play tournaments every other month or so.
50% or 22.5 million play tournaments a few times a year.
30% or 13.5 million never play tournament.
2004 chess player survey results.
I play OTB chess in rated tournaments.
Several times a month ? 4%
Every other month or so ? 15%
A few times a year ? 50%
Never ? 30%
Respondent demographics
17 and under 4%
18 to 25 11%
26 to 40 30%
41 to 55 38%
56 and over16%
Male 93%
Female 3%
Type of player
Casual 23%
Club 31%
Tourney 39%
Pro 4%
The vast majority of respondents live in the United States. The site
also gives a breakdown of where they live by state.
Chess is played by 39 million people in the US.
Source: US Chess Federation
Of the 40 million chess players in the US, only 40 are grandmasters.
There are more than 45 million play chess in the US. Half are children.
Source: Cindy Hsu. CBS-2.
7.5 percent of chess players in the US are women.
Source: Chess Glass Ceiling. Shoba Narayan.
In the US there are 45 million chess players.
Source: Susan Polger.
More than a million schoolchildren play chess in the United States. Of
these only 50,000 have any connection with the federation.
An average adult tournament attracts 50 players whereas scholastic
national events have between 2,000 and 3,000 people.
60% of the US Chess Federations members are 14 or younger.
36,000 children are members of the U.S. Chess Federation.
Source: U.S. Chess Federation.
It is estimated that there are 30 million children who play chess in the US.
Source: MonRoi.
According to this report there are 8 million chess players and 90%
travel to tournaments.
Source: CKPR
Tech enthusiasts are highly likely to play chess (40% more likely than
other U.S adults).
They number 26.7 million.
Male 51%
Female 49%
Age 18 to 24 ? 13%
25 to 34 ? 21%
35 to 44 ? 27%
45 to 54 ? 24%
55 or older ? 15%
Household income
$75,000 or more ? 44%
$60,000 to $74,999 ? 16%
$40,000 to $59,999 ? 21%
$20,000 to $39,999 ? 14%
Less than $20,000 ? 5%
Postgraduate ? 13%
Bachelor?s degree ? 25%
High school grad ? 23%
Did not graduate high school ? 4%
Professional ? 18%
Executive, manager ? 16%
Clerical, technical ? 24%
Other employed ? 21%
Not employed, retired ? 21%
White 90%
Black 6%
Asian 3%
Other 1%
Marital status
Single 22%
Married 67%
Divorced, other 11%
The report also gives data on the number of children, region of the
U.S and city type.
Source: Mediamark Research.
The majority of chess players are males between the ages of 10 and 60.
The game is most popular in Europe and Asia , although the North
American market is growing. The majority of players are well educated
and primarily made up of engineers, artists, and businessmen. Most
chess players have access to computers and the Internet and earn a
middle class income. They are affluent and particularly interested
in Fine Arts, Music, Science, and Technology.
<Search strategy:>
<"chess tournaments" million>
<"in the us" "chess players" million demographics>
<"play in tournaments" chess survey>
<million chess survey "united states">
<"percent of chess players">
<Hope this helps.> |