Each question is worth $10. Each item in a question that is answered
will be worth a proportion of the $10. So, if there are four items in
a question, each item is worth $2.50.
The exception is question 7 which totally is worth $40 since it
involves more detail.
If it helps, easy questions that may only take a few minutes are mixed
in with the harder questions. So, hopefully, this entire set of
questions, if answered fully, will be worth $100 (40 for question # 7
+ $60) and hopefully can be completed within 2-3 hours.
If the answers (with references) are exactly what I need, there will
be more questions along the same line
1. What are the various categories that make up the video-gaming industry?
a. e.g., Software games (console, desktop and online games)
b. Gaming peripherals e.g., controllers, joysticks, etc.
c. Anything else?
2. How large, in terms of number of users, is the software gaming sub-category:
a. Worldwide
b. Nationwide (i.e., within the U.S.)
c. Top three markets by nation (e.g., S. Korea, Taiwan, etc.)
3. How large, financially, is the software gaming sub-category:
a. Worldwide
b. Nationwide (i.e., within the U.S.)
c. Top three markets by nation (e.g., S. Korea, Taiwan, etc.)
4. How large, financially, is the gaming peripheral sub-category:
a. Worldwide
b. Nationwide (i.e., within the U.S.)
c. Top three markets by nation (e.g., S. Korea, Taiwan, etc.)
5. What are the various sub-categories of video-games?
a. e.g., console games (I mean for Xbox, Playstation)?
b. Desktop games (i.e., I mean games u play on your PC or MAC)
c. Online casual games (i.e., think these are 1st-person shooter games)
d. Massively multi-player games (e.g., SimCity online, 2nd life,
World of Warcraft, etc.)
6. How many people play all these sub-categories in:
a. The U.S.
b. Worldwide
7. What is the industry cost structure for game controllers?
a. e.g., If I buy a controller from say, EB Store for US$40, how much
do the various people make in the food-chain from start to finish?
b. e.g., What is the gross profit margin for the store owner?
c. I know for software games, their margin is around $2 - $5 per title
d. But margins for gaming controllers are higher right?
e. How about the wholesaler?
f. How about the manufacturer?
g. Bottom line here is that if I am planning to manufacture a game
controller, what are the various costs and margins for all the U.S.
players that I need to consider in identifying the retail price? |