The main site for escorts in Ireland to advertise on is Escort Ireland
/ E-I, http://www.escort-ireland.com. This site lists Irish
independent escorts and Irish escort agencies.
There are other Irish female escort and dominatrix directories out
there, but getting listed on Escort Ireland will actually get you
listed on most of the important ones, e.g. Irish Punters,
http://www.irishpunters.com and Escorts.ie, http://www.escorts.ie
because it is like a network of sites they run, where you get listed
on all their sites if you take out an ad with them.
The ad rates are quite expensive, currently 250 euro per month for a
female independent escort, but business is good in Ireland and your
phone is always very busy when you are listed on E-I. You can get
listed or more info by emailing nospam@escort-ireland.com or
telephoning 0044 7731 450011 (from the Republic of Ireland) or 07731
450011 (from Northern Ireland / the UK). The lady in charge of
advertising is Natasha and she is very nice.
I have worked in Ireland as an escort for nearly 5 years now and you
cannot advertise in magazines in Ireland, so the Internet is your only
bet. You could also consider getting your own website made. I did
this and I got a bit busier afterwards, but getting listed on E-I is
the main thing you need to do.
I would also warn you there are a few Irish escort directories out
there run by quite unsavoury people and full of fake photos etc. I
would suggest you don?t get yourself listed on any such sites, even if
it is free, because I think once the punters see you on sites like
this they think your photos must be fake etc and that damages your
business. Unfortunately there are a lot of fake photo escort websites
in Ireland.
There are lots of good UK escort directories also, but because there
focus is not really Ireland, you don?t get much business from being on
those sites I find, even though lots of them are very good sites.
Some are free though and it certainly wouldn?t hurt to get listed on a
few of the free UK ones I think.
I can provide further info and help if you need it. In Ireland most
of us ladies are very friendly and helpful towards each other.
Maria |