Following up on a question from yesterday... from this site
(http://www.census.gov/csd/susb/susb03.htm) this material
(http://www.census.gov/csd/susb/stsect03.xls) provides an
understanding of " Number of Firms, Number of Establishments,
Employment, and Annual Payroll" etc. But these numbers exclude Public
A question for someone who knows how the census bureau addresses
public administration: I an looking for the number of Government
establishments in the US, divided into federal, state, municipal, and
other, by size of establishment (<100 employees, 100-199, 200-499,
500-999, 1000-2499 or 4999, 2500+ or 5000+) and by state? Ideally, the
answer to this question would be a link to a document similar to the
one I've referenced above.
Many thanks in advance... |
Request for Question Clarification by
09 Aug 2006 11:49 PDT
I'm pretty familiar with Census info, but this turns out to be
trickier than I imagined.
Closest I can get you, I think, is data from the Bureau of Labor
Statistics that includes the number of government 'firms' in each
state, and at each level of government. But the numbers aren't broken
out by size.
For instance, here's the data for Alabama:
[Click on 'Original Size' if the image is too small]
which shows that, in Alabama, there are:
504 federal government offices
619 local government offices, and
971 state government offices
Does that help at all?
Clarification of Question by
09 Aug 2006 16:15 PDT
well, that helps. ideally I would like the info as initially requested...
I'm wondering whether you can confirm that, in fact, size of establishment
is not available.
If we determine that size of establishment isn't available, what format is
the information you have described available in? Spreadsheet? (I don't recognize
the format on the url you posted...)
look forward to hearing from you... many thanks!
Request for Question Clarification by
09 Aug 2006 16:33 PDT
Hello again meaulnes-ga,
I've been working on your current question and I haven't found
anything to show that the information you're looking for was either
collected or massaged into the form you're looking for.
Organization Phase
Public Use Files - 2002 Census of Governments - Government Organization
Reference Information for Government Organization Phase
Contact us by email or by phone at (800) 242-2184.
Have you tried contacting the Census Bureau? This page offers a lot of
e-mail addresses and phone numbers. I think talking to the source of
these records might be your best bet.
Federal, State, and Local Governments
Web Site Contact List
Good luck.
~ czh ~
Clarification of Question by
10 Aug 2006 10:43 PDT
hello pafalafa-ga
so, yes: I would consider the info from the Bureau
of Labor you pointed to yesterday as helpful. too bad
about the size, but so be it. I'll follow up another way, perhaps.
so: can you provide the full breakdown by each state in
a spreadsheet?
Request for Question Clarification by
10 Aug 2006 18:37 PDT
I've posted the BLS information below.
However, I posted it for Clarification, so that the question is not
yet answered, and your account has not yet been charged.
Please look over the data, and let me know if it is useful to you.
Though some states seem reasonable in terms of the numbers provided,
others do not. For instance, the District of Columbia, where I live,
is shown as having only 20 (12 + 8) non-federal 'establishments" in
it, and there are certainly a good deal more than that.
If the numbers are useful to you, let me know, and I'll re-post the
info as an answer to collect the fee. Otherwise, consider it a
Let me know your thoughts on this.
US Bureau of Labor Statistics -- Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages
State................... Level of Gov't No. of
Alabama .......... Federal 504
Alabama .......... Local 619
Alabama .......... State 971
Alaska ........... Federal 260
Alaska ........... Local 379
Alaska ........... State 568
Arizona .......... Federal 466
Arizona .......... Local 541
Arizona .......... State 302
Arkansas ......... Federal 478
Arkansas ......... Local 1036
Arkansas ......... State 718
California ....... Federal 1509
California ....... Local 2017
California ....... State 8964
Colorado ......... Federal 566
Colorado ......... Local 635
Colorado ......... State 518
Connecticut ...... Federal 270
Connecticut ...... Local 1156
Connecticut ...... State 453
Delaware ......... Federal 74
Delaware ......... Local 65
Delaware ......... State 52
District of Columbia Federal 224
District of Columbia Local 12
District of Columbia State 8
Florida .......... Federal 906
Florida .......... Local 1076
Florida .......... State 2658
Georgia .......... Federal 1135
Georgia .......... Local 924
Georgia .......... State 1549
Hawaii ........... Federal 172
Hawaii ........... Local 83
Hawaii ........... State 404
Idaho ............ Federal 389
Idaho ............ Local 386
Idaho ............ State 442
Illinois ......... Federal 733
Illinois ......... Local 2777
Illinois ......... State 175
Indiana .......... Federal 499
Indiana .......... Local 1110
Indiana .......... State 1326
Iowa ............. Federal 520
Iowa ............. Local 1467
Iowa ............. State 674
Kansas ........... Federal 631
Kansas ........... Local 1104
Kansas ........... State 1156
Kentucky ......... Federal 550
Kentucky ......... Local 1015
Kentucky ......... State 1855
Louisiana ........ Federal 470
Louisiana ........ Local 1808
Louisiana ........ State 847
Maine ............ Federal 473
Maine ............ Local 799
Maine ............ State 227
Maryland ......... Federal 385
Maryland ......... Local 285
Maryland ......... State 313
Massachusetts .... Federal 307
Massachusetts .... Local 2034
Massachusetts .... State 771
Michigan ......... Federal 679
Michigan ......... Local 2013
Michigan ......... State 1237
Minnesota ........ Federal 888
Minnesota ........ Local 1864
Minnesota ........ State 1438
Mississippi ...... Federal 525
Mississippi ...... Local 481
Mississippi ...... State 476
Missouri ......... Federal 700
Missouri ......... Local 2289
Missouri ......... State 1036
Montana .......... Federal 500
Montana .......... Local 272
Montana .......... State 594
Nebraska ......... Federal 394
Nebraska ......... Local 968
Nebraska ......... State 870
Nevada ........... Federal 208
Nevada ........... Local 120
Nevada ........... State 730
New Hampshire .... Federal 148
New Hampshire .... Local 299
New Hampshire .... State 623
New Jersey ....... Federal 362
New Jersey ....... Local 1080
New Jersey ....... State 508
New Mexico ....... Federal 486
New Mexico ....... Local 795
New Mexico ....... State 390
New York ......... Federal 838
New York ......... Local 2254
New York ......... State 673
North Carolina ... Federal 788
North Carolina ... Local 807
North Carolina ... State 1614
North Dakota ..... Federal 368
North Dakota ..... Local 489
North Dakota ..... State 228
Ohio ............. Federal 719
Ohio ............. Local 5248
Ohio ............. State 1423
Oklahoma ......... Federal 581
Oklahoma ......... Local 1611
Oklahoma ......... State 913
Oregon ........... Federal 432
Oregon ........... Local 569
Oregon ........... State 672
Pennsylvania ..... Federal 774
Pennsylvania ..... Local 3019
Pennsylvania ..... State 982
Puerto Rico ...... Federal 195
Puerto Rico ...... Local 131
Puerto Rico ...... State 1377
Rhode Island ..... Federal 85
Rhode Island ..... Local 224
Rhode Island ..... State 74
South Carolina ... Federal 529
South Carolina ... Local 450
South Carolina ... State 709
South Dakota ..... Federal 379
South Dakota ..... Local 500
South Dakota ..... State 492
Tennessee ........ Federal 597
Tennessee ........ Local 607
Tennessee ........ State 293
Texas ............ Federal 1911
Texas ............ Local 4753
Texas ............ State 2106
Utah ............. Federal 277
Utah ............. Local 791
Utah ............. State 395
Vermont .......... Federal 202
Vermont .......... Local 419
Vermont .......... State 197
Virgin Islands ... Federal 47
Virgin Islands ... State 63
Virginia ......... Federal 804
Virginia ......... Local 1553
Virginia ......... State 1562
Washington ....... Federal 551
Washington ....... Local 807
Washington ....... State 633
West Virginia .... Federal 352
West Virginia .... Local 474
West Virginia .... State 709
Wisconsin ........ Federal 476
Wisconsin ........ Local 2526
Wisconsin ........ State 639
Wyoming .......... Federal 235
Wyoming .......... Local 249
Wyoming .......... State 409
Request for Question Clarification by
10 Aug 2006 18:38 PDT
Sorry about the errant formatting...it looked so promising when I was posting it.
Clarification of Question by
13 Aug 2006 20:22 PDT
First of all, thanks for the offer of a freebie, but you have
responded in good faith
and I intend to make good on my offer. Clearly you do have an understanding
of this area that I do not, and so... anyway, I would like you to post an answer
so that you will be properly paid.
Before we get there, though, I'd like to show a response that I received from the
census folks:
The data collected for public employment in the Census of Governments are
collected at the "government" level as opposed to the establishment level.
A good analogy would be to think of the individual government (state,
county, city, township, school district, special district) as the
equivalent of a firm. While many of these governments have enterprises
that might be viewed as establishments we don't tabulate, and often don't
collect data on that basis. You can find information on the number of
employees by government on our web page at:
Now, you seem to have a better grasp of what's available than this
guy. If I follow correctly,
you've been able to determine the number of establishments at the
three levels (taking
into account your suspicion of DC), while the census rep maintains only the number
of employees is available. I'd be interested in knowing whether you
think this so because
your source is the Bureau of Labor... that, perhaps, the census bureau
has different
methods and/or practises. I'll be asking the census reps about this.
Also: if possible, could you provide the source for the numbers
you've presented (the url
for what I assume is a pdf file).
Again, thanks for your thorough work.