I'm looking for information regarding the local history of a place
called kontokali in Corfu, Island Greece. To my current knowledge the
name comes from the familly Kontokali which was awarded that area from
the venetian administration of that time. I want some background
information on that (date, purpose, background information),
information about the familly (i'm particularly interested in the case
there is a coat of arms) and any event that is accounted on that
place. |
Clarification of Question by
11 Aug 2006 08:35 PDT
The title depicts the most important person of that familly -
Christoforos Kontokalis - after whom the area is named
Request for Question Clarification by
11 Aug 2006 10:56 PDT
Dear nkorfiatis,
It is not much I have found out so far, just these few facts:
- Christoforos Kontokalis was a 16th century sea captain in the
services of the Republic of Venice.
- At the Battle of Lepanto (1571), he commanded a galley, the "Christo
da Corfu", as part of a squadron of four galleys the then-Venetian
island had contributed to the Venetian fleet.
- During the battle, Kontokalis managed to capture a Turkish galley
and brought it to nearby Corfu.
- As a reward for this achivement, Venice gave Kontokalis the estate
on Corfu which subsquently was named after him.
This is all for the moment. I'll try to find out more, since this is,
in my opinion, not yet enough information for an answer.
Clarification of Question by
13 Aug 2006 03:04 PDT
You have come with some nice information and i appreciate that. Also
in case you can find any coat of arms or any kind of flag associated
with Christoforos Kontokalis or the squadron that left for Lepanto i
will appreciate that.
Appart from that i will also appreciate if you find any generic
details about the history of the area itself.
Request for Question Clarification by
14 Aug 2006 12:32 PDT
I have done more online research, and I found out that the Italian (or
rather, old Venetian) spelling of Kontokalis' name was "Cristoforo
Condocori". But that does not satisfy me yet. Tomorrow, I will do
research in the library to see what information printed sources can
offer me.
Clarification of Question by
16 Aug 2006 14:37 PDT
This details is excitely interesting, however i will need a good
reference to a source since i will have to convince a lot of people,
that christoforo condocori is indeed the same person with christoforos
kontokalis. Also another thing: i'm interested in the case there is
the possibility to excist a coat of arms of this familly or any kind
of image source that can be reused. Is there any case that venetian
captains of this time had any symbol ?
Request for Question Clarification by
16 Aug 2006 16:13 PDT
Unfortunately, all my research did not produce useful, reliable
information. I did what I could, but the books are silent about this
captain, his achievements, and his estate on Corfu.
There is only one thing I can do: If information on this topic exists
- including a possible coat-of-arms, biographical data or the like -,
it should be somewhere in the State Archives of Venice. I will give
you contact information, so you can inquire with them. Of course,
since I failed to deliver a defintive answer, you will not be billed.
Maybe the specialists in the Venetian archives can find what is
neither available online nor in my hometown's libraries. Here is how
to contact them:
Archivio di Stato di Venezia
Campo dei Frari, 3002
30125 Venezia
Phone: +39-041-5222281
Fax: +39-041-5229220
E-Mail: asve@archivi.beniculturali.it
Best regards,
Clarification of Question by
17 Aug 2006 04:16 PDT
Thank you for all your effort!