Hello mar19-ga,
#1: a sludge or sludge-like material
Example: Sewage Sludge (solid waste extracted in the process of sewage treatment)
Explanation: ?Sludge is a generic term for solids separated from
suspension in a liquid by a variety of processes.?
SOURCE: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sludge (more detailed information
at this link as well)
#2: a solid that is friable, powdered, or finely divided
Example: A clump of damp sand
Explanation: ?A solid is friable when it can easily be crumbled into
powder or small particles. A clump of damp sand that sticks together
but easily crushes into its individual grains, for example, is very
SOURCE: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friable
#3: a nonfilterable and nonmillable tarry material
Example: Popcorn would be nonmillabe and nonfilterable compared to wheat (hardness)
Explanation: Nonmillable or nonfilterable means that a solid cannot be
crushed or filtered below a specific size limit. Note that it might
not be desirable to do so, because it might be desirable to eliminate
the nonfilterable and nonmillable tarry material. An example standard
could be a No. 10 sieve. Tarry means that is has to do with
characterists of pitch or tar (source:
SOURCE: http://www.dtsc.ca.gov/LawsRegsPolicies/Title22/upload/OEARA_REG_Title22_Ch11_AppII.pdf
I hope this is the answer you were looking for. Please let me know if
you need any further clarification and I will do my best to further
assist you.
All the best,
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