Since your question did not specify whether or you were interest in
the definition of the fascination with scabs from a sexual standpoint
or observations made by the medical community pertaining to ones
underlying psychological or medical problems surrounding the issue,
which manifest themselves in the unusual fascination with scabs, I am
providing research on both topics:
As for the human sexuality aspect, the term for a sexual fixation for
a particular part of the body is called partialism, but more
specifically, the fixation one has for flesh, or in particular, scabs,
is called autophagy, which translates as the fetish for eating
ones own skin although the act of actually consuming the flesh or
scab is not altogether necessary in order to fulfill this fetish.
Simply looking at or the ritualistic eating, handling or picking is
often the extent of this mania. Due to the sexually deviant nature of
this odd inclination I will not go into detail here at the risk of
offending younger readers or those who might be feint of heart,
however, if you are interested in the origin of this obsession there
is a very interesting article on The Official Site of Robert
Lenkiewicz (Lenkiewicz, b. London 1941, is a very dark and melancholy
artist known for his controversial subjects) that explains it quite
well. I wish I could provide you more on this subject in great detail
but Im sure you understand my hesitation to do so in this forum.
As for the medical observations regarding this obsession, the
compulsive habit of picking or disturbing scabs is known as
phaneromania. This condition is seen most often in its most sever
form in children and adults with attention deficit disorders, nervous
disorders (such as Trourette Syndrome), drug addition or emotional
problems. More commonly, phaneromania is also the term used for those
who persistently or habitually bite their nails or pick at a
superficial body part or imperfection on their skin.
Grandiloquent Dictionary
Search term: phaneromania
Search Extreme
Search term: autophagy
The Encyclopedia of Unusual Sex Practices
Search term: autophagy
Attention Deficit Disorder Information & Support Services Inc.
Dermatological Manifestations of Tourette Syndrome and
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Meth Of Old Has Morphed Into Epidemic Proportions
The Official Site of Robert Lenkiewicz
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