I am in California.
I want to create an LLC.
I want to have two DBA/Businesses under this LLC.
Is this possible?
Is there anything specific I have to do to have them under the LLC?
How does that work?
Both of the businesses are basic partnerships between my wife and I.
That said, how do I file taxes when I have an LLC and two businesses
under it (subsidiaries?)
Please consider me an absolute novice. Any and all information you
can offer is appreciated. I just want to get this done properly. I
am assuming that it would be something like: SAMPLE Company, LLC; My
Editing Business (subsidiary of SAMPLE Company, LLC); My Home
Inventory Business (subsidiary of SAMPLE Company, LLC). Is that
right? Again, if so, what do I have to do to make it all legal and
how do I file the taxes in April?
Thanks! |