for Pink; yet another poetry challenge!
Category: Arts and Entertainment > Books and Literature Asked by: timespacette-ga List Price: $5.00 |
18 Aug 2006 19:03 PDT
Expires: 17 Sep 2006 19:03 PDT Question ID: 757509 |
Dear Pink, I enjoyed my 'po' very much, thank you, and cheerios to Bryan for setting us all on our toes once again and although I don't drink, I would love to sit in a saloon with you anytime and discuss the seamy underpinnings of our degenerate society, but I suppose this virtual saloon will have to do. I have actually wondered at times how many of the regulars are into the 'hol . . . wha'd'ya think? ( Kemlo is most suspect; even his spell checker doesn't cover for 'im) anyway, to the question at hand: I am interested in keeping a haiku diary. I bought a beautifully bound ten year diary, and I began keeping the details of daily life there, but I find it's . . . well, it's not what I want to do. But I spent $35 bucks on this thing and I'd like to use if for SOMETHING! So one thought I have is to write a simple haiku that describes the essence of each day, if possible. The thing is, I've never written a word of poetry, let alone haiku. So, I wonder if you have ever dabbled? One thing is certain: a limerick is not haiku! One could even say that a limerick is the opposite of haiku, with it's galloping rhythms that come to a predictable and definitive halt, as opposed to seventeen deftly structured syllables that leave one dangling . . . and wondering what it all means ... (maybe even suffering from mimouleipseikatiphobia!) anyway, would you care to explore this subject? I need a crash course in American English haiku! (none of this furriner stuff) If nothing else, please give this a try: a haiku 'po' about our friend Bryan of Hove haiku very much, ts of Orcatraz * * * |
Re: for Pink; yet another poetry challenge!
Answered By: pinkfreud-ga on 19 Aug 2006 10:59 PDT Rated: |
haiku frustrates me my thoughts always seem to need one extra sylla as requested, here's a haiku of him of hove and one for you too I was feeling dim Bryan hove into sight and he Brighton'd the day thank you timespacette for enlivening GA even without beer here is some info about how to write haiku best regards from Pink Toyomasu Family Blog: HAIKU for PEOPLE http://www.toyomasu.com/haiku/#howtowritehaiku Aha! Poetry: HAIKU TECHNIQUES http://www.ahapoetry.com/haiartjr.htm In the moonlight a worm..." The Nature of English Haiku http://www.haiku.insouthsea.co.uk/english.htm |
rated this answer:
Pink, I have been travelling and also family/life challenged since last veiwing GA; now Bryan informs me GA is to be no more! tuning in here from a friend's computer and I hadn't realized I had left you hanging with this question .... so to tie up loose ends .... thanks so much for this and all your wonderful playful wanderings on GA over these brief years. can't stay on long right now, so don't have time to see what the latest is among the researchers .... where will they go? what wil they do? any thots? can you steer me in the direction of some answers to these questions? best of luck, cheerios, farewell! ts |
Re: for Pink; yet another poetry challenge!
From: thither-ga on 18 Aug 2006 20:34 PDT |
Bryan sleeps and things go by, but they don't escape the great Kemlo aye I never claimed I was a poet...enjoy! |
Re: for Pink; yet another poetry challenge!
From: probonopublico-ga on 18 Aug 2006 20:57 PDT |
Wow ... this is SCARY! I can't bear to look; and I cant't bear not to look. Worried of Hove |
Re: for Pink; yet another poetry challenge!
From: timespacette-ga on 18 Aug 2006 22:31 PDT |
hee hee hee . . . . . now the tables have turned! ! ! |
Re: for Pink; yet another poetry challenge!
From: kemlo-ga on 19 Aug 2006 00:57 PDT |
Pink that is absolutely wonderful Bryan perhaps for inspiration u should try this wonderful Scotch poet http://www.mcgonagall-online.org.uk/ Kemlo |
Re: for Pink; yet another poetry challenge!
From: probonopublico-ga on 19 Aug 2006 01:31 PDT |
Congratulations, Kemlo, you are getting better. On this occasion, you are only 3 years too late because, as you can see, the Great McGonagall has already been well and truly done: http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=208130 Please keep up the improvement! |
Re: for Pink; yet another poetry challenge!
From: kemlo-ga on 19 Aug 2006 04:01 PDT |
Bryan That is the most rediculoose slap down yet. Juas because u can remenber three years ago should not detract from the poetical achievements of the Great Great McGonagall Again Pinky, that is one of the most wonderful poems we have ever read. KEMLOO |
Re: for Pink; yet another poetry challenge!
From: myoarin-ga on 19 Aug 2006 06:03 PDT |
I drink wine and beer, And sometimes I drink whiskey*. Water's what I fear. Heiko: 5, 7, 5 syllables, rhyme is unimportant. My august Frankfurter Allegemeine Zeitung has a daily cartoon strip with a slack-jowled watchdog that often comments with a haiku. Timespacette, no 'hol? But charming, witty, sober, A boon to us all. Yeah, I like to make it rhyme, and have trouble limiting the last line to just five syllables. Just try it, you'll get better - not that I do. *Alternate spelling: whisky, depending on the bottle I find. And ere one of you, Pokes fun at old Myoarin, Cheers, Prosit, Salut! |
Re: for Pink; yet another poetry challenge!
From: timespacette-ga on 19 Aug 2006 08:55 PDT |
myoarin, ah the rhyme it's what separates East from West we westerners can't seem to handle the sound of one hand clapping! as for Kemlo and Bryan . . . settle down, would'ya? the virtual saloon is experiencing a virtual brawl! think 'tea ceremony' otherwise the Pink Muse may not be conjured domo arigato, (she bows) ts * * * |
Re: for Pink; yet another poetry challenge!
From: mother911-ga on 19 Aug 2006 09:08 PDT |
Since clearly one of the most important parts of this conversation might go on without comment, I figured I would jump in and save the day. Whiskey/Whisky, the term is originally from the Gaelic phrase uisce beatha which translates to Water of Life. Clearly the Gaelic were geniuses. The Scottish folk weren't the first to create whiskey/whisky. Many grain growing nations produced some form of this grain based alcohol. However many consider Scotch Whisky to be the finest. The Scots themselves prefer to call it simply Scotch, but this is a whole seperate issue. Scots spell their beverage without an additional E, as do Japan and Canada. There is no legal bindings for this, it is just a known fact from these distillers. Some excellent examples of Scottish Whisky are Highland Park, Glenfiddich, Macallan and Laphroaig. As a determined researcher I have tried these and several others, all are very fine, but I prefer sipping whiskey made from sour mash myself. American Whiskey or more preferably Tenessee Whiskey is spelled with an E, as is Irish Whiskey, and this is an excellent way to determine if you have found the correct bottle you seek. If it lacks the extra E, you have Scotch, or you have mistakenly picked up something Canadian or Japanese. The true whiskey drinker will tell you that it can only be made in Ireland and Tennessee, and they are correct. Tennessee Whiskey is actually closer to bourbon, based on the grains of choice, however it is then put through a mandatory 10 ft maple charcoal filtering system called the "Lincoln County Process". The name is based on the original location of Jack Daniel's Distillery. Good examples of Tennessee Whiskey would be Jack Daniels, and George Dickel. Jack Daniels recently lowered their alcohol content which resulted in a backlash from their normally blindly loyal fans, the debate is fought daily on the internet as to whether this was a good idea or not. George Dickel on the other hand has not changed and remains in my mind one of the finer things in life. George Dickel breaks tradition here and lables his bottle Whisky as he felt his libations were in the same high quality as the finest of Scottish Whiskies. I highly reccomend both Gentleman Jack (or the Oak Barrel Series) if you are drinking Jack Daniels, and the #12 if you are drinking George Dickel. Irish Whiskey is made without peat which lends a smoother sweeter final product, however the difference in the three (Scotch, Irish and Tennessee) is amazing. As I mentioned I prefer the sour mashes, but they are all excellent in their own way. [-- Mother911-ga --] |
Re: for Pink; yet another poetry challenge!
From: kemlo-ga on 19 Aug 2006 10:12 PDT |
To timespacette its not fair, He started it, he did! he did! he did! NOT FAIR KMELO |
Re: for Pink; yet another poetry challenge!
From: timespacette-ga on 19 Aug 2006 11:10 PDT |
a little Jack Daniel's with your tea, dear? |
Re: for Pink; yet another poetry challenge!
From: mother911-ga on 19 Aug 2006 15:15 PDT |
I personally prefer more Jack Daniels and less tea. |
Re: for Pink; yet another poetry challenge!
From: myoarin-ga on 19 Aug 2006 15:52 PDT |
How did Kemlo know that Pink would humble us all? Prescient he is. Whisky or whiskey It tastes not one bit better for knowing all that. |
Re: for Pink; yet another poetry challenge!
From: czh-ga on 21 Aug 2006 11:52 PDT |
A friend of mine kept an online haiku diary for a couple of years before she dropped it earlier this year. Check it out. http://home.earthlink.net/~memort/index.htm Haiku Diary |
From: wituckatron-ga on 22 Aug 2006 19:53 PDT |
Aim for two things in Anglicized haiku: 1) The masters of the haiku form practiced zazen--sitting meditaion. Haiku are the compressed and pure imagery of nature--compressed into three lines and purified of the observer. This last is the goal of yoga accrding to Patanjali to whom the incomparable Yoga Sutras are attributed. He said that when contemplative calm and focus on the object of meditation were acheived, the subject would dissolve, leaving a pure thought of the object. Stare at something in nature that you love long enough until you forget youself and get the imagery down later, editing your material into 2)three lines, which we can do something very interesting with. Line one contains something in the vast distance or something of the macrocosm. Line two contains something very near or something of the microcosm. Line three contains a surprise: PLOP! Here's one of mine--that doesn't adhere to the above formula--for the incummin Autumn: Leaves decay into color and Fall |
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