Hello again Health777,
There are websites that provide a tool to obtain the precise
information you described. They are called drug interaction checkers.
For example:
DrugDigest is a noncommercial, evidence-based, consumer health and
drug information site dedicated to empowering consumers to make
informed choices about drugs and treatment options.
Check potential interactions between two or more drugs here:
Instructions for Checking Drug Interactions
1. Type at least the first three letters of the Drug name, then click
Search. If you are searching for an over-the-counter product, you will
need to search for the ingredients of the product.
2. Find the desired drug or ingredients in the Search Results.
3. Select the desired drug, and then use the Right Arrow Button to
include the drug in the Interaction List. (The Left Arrow Button can
be used to remove drugs from the Interaction List.)
4. Repeat these steps to add all desired drugs to the Interaction List.
5. Click the Check Interactions button to find potential interactions.
Drugs.com also provides a Drug Interaction Checker
?A drug interaction occurs when the effect of a particular drug is
altered when it is taken with another drug, or with food. The Drug
Interactions Guide explains the mechanism of each drug interaction,
the level of significance of the interaction (major, moderate or
minor), and in certain cases, can provide the recommended course of
action to manage the interaction.
To use the Drug Interactions Checker click on ?I AGREE?
Follow the instructions to search for medicines. Then click on the
"CHECK INTERACTIONS NOW" button to view interactions between your
chosen medicines.
Discovery Health also has a Drug Interaction Checker
Find the drug you are investigating by using the alphabetical list.
Then, in the box below the alphabet list select a drug and click on "+
Add a drug to your list".
Repeat the process for a second, third and, if you wish, more drug choices.
Click on the "check interaction!" button to see the results.
Health A to Z Drug Interactions
Drug Interactions Guide
Lists drug-food interactions and drug-drug interactions for your
chosen medications. There are three simple steps:
SEARCH - Searches our drug database for all medications matching the
name or names you have entered (some drugs are available in more than
one formulation)
ADD - Adds the name or names of the one or more drugs you have chosen
to your personal drug list
CHECK - Checks for drug-food and drug-drug interactions
Check My Meds
Check My Meds allows you to take the preventive step of determining
whether the drugs you are taking interact with each other, or interact
with certain foods, and cause a bad reaction in your body.
IQHealth SubScribeRX Drug Checker
Check for drug-to-drug, drug-to-food interactions and check for
allergic reactivity for many medications.
Database of Antiretroviral Drug Interactions
Search by Antiretroviral Drug
Select an FDA-approved antiretroviral and view interactions with other
drugs specified by drug name or drug class, or view "all
Search by Interacting Drug
Select any drug in the database and view all interactions with
FDA-approved antiretrovirals.
Search by Interacting Drug Class
Select any drug class in the database and view all interactions with
FDA-approved antiretrovirals.
About the Database of Antiretroviral Drug Interactions
Search terms used:
drug interactions
drug interaction checker
I hope the resources provided are helpful!
Best regards,
Bobbie7 |
Request for Answer Clarification by
22 Aug 2006 11:25 PDT
Did your search results provide information for people about
?contra-indications?? As you probably know 'contraindication' is the
technical term for a condition where the medicine isn't suitable for
you because you have a condition that may make it dangerous. For
example, it may not be advisable to take certain medications if you:
Drink heavily, are pregnant, breastfeeding, trying to conceive, are
known to be allergic to particular drugs, have a stomach condition,
have kidney or have liver disease.