Dear Joolsverne,
You are eligible to national and regional subsidies which can help you
in mostly three ways : financial subsidies, tax exemption and special
It is also possible to get grants or subsidies from towns and local
associations, but i) there are many towns and associations, ii) it
really depends on the location of your activity, iii) the potential
grants are never extremely high, although there can be wide
differences. I suggest you contact the Conseils Généraux as stated in
part 2 of my answer below.
1. Subsidies to which you are eligible whatever the activity (although
subject to other criteria : unemployment status, age, etc.)
Please note that other state programs or laws can help you in opening
a new business (examples not mentioned below : special tax-free zones
offer tax incentives with conditions like recruiting people from this
tax-free zone, etc.).
* Loan : Prêt à la Création d?Entreprise (PCE)
- From 3,000 ? to 8,000 ? without having to provide any guarantee,
reimbursable over 5 years.
- Conditions : personal banking loan
* ACCRE (Aide Régionale à la Création d'Entreprise)
- Tax exemption during one year + free consulting services for
assistance in business (approx. 15 hours)
- Conditions : unemployed or below 26 years old.
- Contact the local Job department called DDTEFP (Direction
Départementale du Travail de l?Emploi et de la Formation
* EDEN (Encouragement des Entreprises Nouvelles)
- Loan up to 6,000 ?
- Conditions : below 26 years old or unemployed or minimal social
conditions, personal loan of at least half ot the requested loan
* Other subsidies which should be of less interest to you :
- ADIE (people excluded from the banking system)
- AGEFIPH (handicapped)
* Regional or association loans : you will find a very interesting
list of subsidies and grants per region on this website (French
specialised press) :
2. Specific subsidies for rural crafts
"Chambre des métiers et de l'artisanat" is the name of the regional
institution (Jobs and craft industry institution).
You will find one in each of the roughly 90 French departments (France
divided into 22 regions, each region subdivided in several
departments) which website links you can find on this website :
Please note that the following subsidies can be applicable in some
regions only. I suggest you contact directly the regional institutions
of your choice and ask for a detailed list of the grants applicable in
that specific region, once you have made your choice on the possible
locations of your activity.
You could also contact the Conseils Généraux (departemental
institutions, not specifically dedicated to helping business but
having a more global political role over the department - it is the
state representation at local level), which contacts are available on
* FACREA (Fonds d?aide à la création et à la reprise d?entreprise artisanale)
- Individual subsidies of 30% of all investments, limited to 15,500 ?
- Investment types : production facilities, computer & office, vehicles
- Conditions : must have banking loan attached, minimal investment of
23,000 ? over three years
- Applicable in the Nord Pas de Calais region at least.
* FISAC (Fonds d'intervention pour la sauvegarde de l'artisanat et du commerce)
- Individual grants in towns smaller than 2,000 inhabitants.
- Grants for projects from 10,000 ? to 50,000 ? investment.
- All French regions.
* FISAC (Fonds d'intervention pour la sauvegarde de l'artisanat et du commerce)
- Collective grants.
- Project examples : easier access to markets, building parking slots
next to markets
- You should contact the local Chambre des métiers for application.
- All French regions
* CIGALES (Clubs d'investisseurs pour une gestion alternative et
locale de l'épargne solidaire)
- Participation in equity
- Conditions : depends on crafts, must be close to one of the 75 local antennas.
* Loan : Prêt Spécial Artisan
- Maximum loan : 25,000 ?
* Loan : Prêts conventionnés à l'artisanat
- Unlimited loan
* Regional loan in Nord Pas de Calais : Prêt d'honneur Jeunes Ruraux
- Interest-free loan from 4,500 ? to 7,500 ?
- Conditions : rural crafts activity in one of the 12 areas of Nord Pas de Calais.
Additional websites for reference :
National association providing a lot of information on how to create a
company in France : and specifically the following page
for links concerning the rural crafts :
Sources :
French Senate :
Northern region detailing possible grants :
French specialised press :
Other :
Please do not hesitate in requesting additional help (I am French
myself but please note that I am not an official Google researcher -
yet ?).
Welcome in France next year and good luck with your project !
Hakyma Omyra |