I'm not a dealer, but I would like to get my hands on some motorcycle
parts and accessories dealer catalogs for reference. I'm specifically
looking for Drag Specialties, Parts Unlimited, Tucker Rocky, and
Custom Chrome catalogs. Last years catalogs are probably fine. Where
should I look? How do I get copies? |
Request for Question Clarification by
23 Aug 2006 15:55 PDT
Would online catalogs be ok with you? They are updated ones. It seems
that they don't make the print catalogs available.
Clarification of Question by
23 Aug 2006 16:30 PDT
Online catalogs are OK as long as they 1) are the same catalogs that
dealers receive and 2) (as dealer catalogs do) provide dealer pricing
and suggested retail pricing for each product listed.
Request for Question Clarification by
23 Aug 2006 16:52 PDT
Hi again.
Some of the online catalogs I found have a suggested retail price but
don't have a dealer's price. The others have a dealer's price but no
suggested retail price.
Is that ok with you?
Clarification of Question by
23 Aug 2006 17:13 PDT
Couple of questions about the catalogs: 1) are they from the same
distributor (parts unlimited, drag specialties, etc)? 2) do they have
the exact same parts? 3) (no longer a "couple") is there a difference
in the prices?
Request for Question Clarification by
23 Aug 2006 17:18 PDT
1) are they from the same distributor (parts unlimited, drag specialties, etc)?
Answer: YES
2) do they have the exact same parts?
Answer: I presume yes but I cannot be sure. I have never seen the
print versions of these catalogs before but since they came from the
official companies like Drag Specialties then they would sell the same
3) (no longer a "couple") is there a difference in the prices?
Answer: Again since I have never seen a print version, I cannot compare.
Advice me on how to proceed with this question.
Clarification of Question by
23 Aug 2006 19:03 PDT
Thanks for your diligence, I'm not sure I was entirely clear in my
questions earlier. When I asked if they had the exact same parts, I
meant does the electronic version with suggested retail have the same
parts as the electronic version with dealer prices; when I asked if
there is a difference in prices, I meant is there a difference in the
price of the same product listed in the electronic versions (suggested
retail vs. dealer).
Is that clearer? Again, sorry for the confusion.
If that's the case (the electronic versions DO have the same parts as
each other, and the prices in the two catalogs are different (dealer
prices should be ~20% cheaper for the same thing)), then I would love
to buy them from you. Can you email them to me, or how does this
Request for Question Clarification by
23 Aug 2006 19:08 PDT
No you can't buy anything here, we just point you out to the
information since this is just a research service.
Here is the meat of the findings. The catalogs will come from the
companies themselves Drag Specialties, etc, and not from the dealers.
Is this acceptable to you?
Clarification of Question by
24 Aug 2006 09:38 PDT
It's fine for the catalogs to come from the distributors themselves,
but could you please provide an answer to the questions regarding 1)
selection and 2) pricing between the two? thank you