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My Cat's Favourite Spot.....
Category: Family and Home > Pets Asked by: steph53-ga List Price: $2.50 |
24 Aug 2006 17:35 PDT
Expires: 23 Sep 2006 17:35 PDT Question ID: 759292 |
Hi GA Community, I need some advice... My five year old thoroughly spoiled kitty, Albert, has a strange place he likes to curl up on when I am on the computer. Although he has the run of our home, and is basically allowed to set his furry self wherever he pleases, too often I find him curled up on my toilet seat!!! Whats with that???? I'll admit I have a nice, soft toilet seat cover on the toilet, but why would he chose this instead of my comfy bed or pillow???? This only happens in the evenings when I am otherwise busy and he knows it annoys me because I have to "shoo" him off whenever I have to use the "facilities". Has anyone else had this dilemma? Steph53 | |
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Re: My Cat's Favourite Spot.....
From: probonopublico-ga on 24 Aug 2006 21:23 PDT |
Albert is showing his displeasure. Obviously you have peeved him ... My guess that it's because you failed to take a photo of him on the throne. Next time , get your camera out QUICK! Of course, you could always thwart him by leaving the lid open or by closing the door. On second thoughts, maybe if you did leave the lid open then he would do the thing that most gentlemen do. B |
Re: My Cat's Favourite Spot.....
From: markvmd-ga on 24 Aug 2006 22:33 PDT |
Oh, wow, (that is to say, Holy Cats!), Pink's pictures are great. "Hangover" should be entered in as many photo contests as possible. Steph, fear not for Albert's sanity. He has found a spot that is warm enough (or cool enough) and comfy for him plus he gets to interact with you a bit, which he likes. So long as he is not camped out there because he is driven by thirst, he's fine. Bryan, you are quite obviously not a cat owner! Closed doors are a challenge to any cat and those with claws will eventually remove enough of the door to gain access. It may take several years of patient work but they are very much Steve McQueen in this aspect. The cat will usually undertake the "Big Dig" carpentry operation when you are deeply asleep the night before an important meeting/trip/test/etc, or any time when the raked claws on wood door will rattle the adjoining rooms in surprisingly the same manner and sound as a mild earthquake... |
Re: My Cat's Favourite Spot.....
From: probonopublico-ga on 24 Aug 2006 23:28 PDT |
Hi Mark ... It is true. I am not a cat owner but I do know that Albert does not have any claws and I took that factor fully into account when making my recommendation. However, on further thought, I suggest that Steph should just leave both the door and the lid open and then the next time that Albert takes a leap ... Steph will have the makings of an even better piccy ... Like even Pinky has never seen before. Let's start The War of the Cat Snappers. Bryan |
Re: My Cat's Favourite Spot.....
From: nelson-ga on 25 Aug 2006 04:35 PDT |
Well, that sort of thing wouldn't happen if women would just remember to put the toilet seat back up after using it. |
Re: My Cat's Favourite Spot.....
From: frde-ga on 27 Aug 2006 04:39 PDT |
If Albert is half Siamese then he might have a bit of a thing about water. |
Re: My Cat's Favourite Spot.....
From: myoarin-ga on 27 Aug 2006 08:59 PDT |
Stephs, One: He likes his throne there. Not many subjects present, but as a royal Siamese, he has to have a throne. Two: He knows it is the one place y'gotta go, thus assured of your respectful attention - see "one". As a true sovereign of his people, he has no problem with dismounting his throne to accomodated his favourite subject. Of course, if you don't show due respect by turning up his royal cushion, he may take umbrage. Can't have mere commoners sitting where he rests his royal bottom. :-) |
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