Hiya, I?m a Multimedia Developer and I am giving a presentation to a
group of clients very soon.
I need some demographic data (statistics) on a few different things
within the multimedia industry
I really don?t need much, but enough to answer my question effectively.
I?m interested in demographic data/statistics that show the
past-to-present of the multimedia industry and of the growth of
?mobile communications technology?.
I would also like some of this data to show the expected future of
both the MM industry & M.C.T. (I need this to be accurate/reliable,
so if it?s from sources of authority, it?s better)
I would like particular focus on how the MM industry has/will change
with (in relation to, due to, etc) the growth in mobile communications
Clarification: (relax, I?m not asking for extra)
?Mobile communications? doesn?t just refer to mobile phones, but to
all mobile multimedia devices with the ability to connect to networks
such as Wi-Fi, etc. Examples include the Nintendo DS/ Sony PSP,
Wireless Laptops (notebooks), palm-tops, Microsoft?s upcoming Origami
Project etc, and of course, mobile phones.
(this should give you more flexibility & ease when researching)
Multimedia Industry (computer related, NOT broadcasting, etc), could
extend to IT industry if it?s relevant, etc
(this too should give you more flexibility & ease when researching)
This demographic data should cover general trends of the Multimedia
Industry Internationally (major regions; Europe, Asia, America), but
some of this research should also be regional (Japan (rapidly evolving
mobile gadgetry), India (rapidly developing in IT), UK, America,
China, etc)
Employment statistics for the industry (/regionally) would be very helpful
Years of Interest: more recent data (2000+) is better, but I still
want a little old stuff to capture the complete history.
Once again, I don?t need much. I don?t want repeats, but a wide range
of data to cover all major aspects. (I only need the most significant
of things, (and perhaps some of the most unique and innovative), as I
only have a limited time when presenting).
Thanx! |