Hello Carl,
The U.S. Sandia National Laboratories conducted and filmed the test in 1988.
?In 1988 Sandia National Laboratories in USA demonstrated the unequal
distribution of energy absorption that occurs when an aircraft impacts
a massive, hardened target. The test involved a rocket-propelled F4
Phantom jet (about 27 tonnes, with both engines close together in the
fuselage) hitting a 3.7m thick slab of concrete at 765 km/h. This was
to see whether a proposed Japanese nuclear power plant could withstand
the impact of a heavy aircraft. It showed how most of the collision
energy goes into the destruction of the aircraft itself - about 96% of
the aircraft's kinetic energy went into the its destruction and some
penetration of the concrete, while the remaining 4% was dissipated in
accelerating the 700-tonne slab. The maximum penetration of the
concrete in this experiment was 60 mm, but comparison with fixed
reactor containment needs to take account of the 4% of energy
transmitted to the slab.?
From Sandia National Laboratories website:
Footage of 1988 rocket-sled test.
?F4 test videostream ? The purpose of the test was to determine the
impact force, versus time, due to the impact, of a complete F-4
Phantom ? including both engines ? onto a massive, essentially rigid
reinforced concrete target (3.66 meters thick). Previous tests used
F-4 engines at similar speeds. The test was not intended to
demonstrate the performance (survivability) of any particular type of
concrete structure to aircraft impact. The impact occurred at the
nominal velocity of 215 meters per second (about 480 mph). The mass of
the jet fuel was simulated by water; the effects of fire following
such a collision was not a part of the test. The test established that
the major impact force was from the engines. The test was performed by
Sandia National Laboratories under terms of a contract with the Muto
Institute of Structural Mechanics, Inc., of Tokyo. ?
View and download footage from here
Sandia: Index of media mov_mpg
Here are the direct links to the best ones
Search terms:
footage Phantom F4 Crash Test
Sandia National Laboratories
I hope the information provided is helpful!
Best regards,
Bobbie7 |