Hello headsetsdotcom-ga,
I did a review of this website in January 2003 for you and am pleased
to provide you with this new one!
First, I checked your website in both Firefox and IE, although my
focus was on using IE. There seem to be no compatibility issues with
Firefox! Overall it was great, and I could only find small things to
nitpick at, because there were no major problems! Your product detail
pages are amazing in their level of detail and availability of
Overall Navigation:
-Superb, everything is well connected and intuitive. Way to go with
that 1-800 number!
-I was unsure as to why the visa/mastercard/American express cards
linked to http://www.headsets.com/headsets/resources/order.html
Index.htm Page:
-I liked the opening paragraph, although I thought a simple welcome
might be better. Maybe switching it around so that it read: ?Corded or
Wireless Headset? Plantronics or GN Netcom?? would be better, because
some users might not know what Plantronics or GN Netcom is and be put
off by the technical aspects of that.
-I liked the good mixture of two products and some accessories on the
front page. Just enough information I thought.
-I wasn?t sure about the ?Order now and receive your headset by
Wednesday, Sept 6 with standard $7.95 shipping. Need it sooner?? It
reminded me that I would have to wait awhile (and September 6 seems a
long way off from August 30) as well as the fact that I would have to
pay for shipping. I don?t think it is a good time to inform users of
this because both of those may discourage them from buying online. I
don?t think this information is positive enough to merit front page
status. I noticed elsewhere on your site that you had ?Instant Live?
assistance. Maybe feature this here?
-Maybe give more benefits of ordering online versus ordering in stores
(IE: Price comparisons, positive feedback etc.)
-Clicking in the white space (to the right of ?Corded or Wireless?
links to the wizard, this might be confusing if someone misclicks.
Headset Wizard
-No need to start off the page with a question. Replace it with
something to the effect of ?Our Headset Wizard will get you matched
with the perfect headset for you. Just answer a few quick questions
-The following sentence is a run on sentence: ?Please, if you have any
problems, or are unsure which headset is the best solution for you,
call us toll-free at 1-800-HEADSETS (1-800-432-3738) Monday-Friday
6:00am-4:30pm PST or click on the "Instant Live Help" button to the
right and a Headset Specialist will gladly help.? Separate it into two
-Otherwise the wizard worked great!
Benefits of Headsets
-I assumed this was about the benefits of ordering from your company
before clicking the link. Other than that, the section was perfect.
7 Promises:
-Wow? very impressive stuff!
-There is no need to have the two links (with the first two promises)
separated from the rest of the text. It just pushes down the rest of
the promises too far for no reason. I would keep them there, but just
move them up to continue with the end of the paragraphs.
-Fast Live Help: There is an extra space after ?Your phone call will
be answered by a live person? (there is a space and then a comma).
-No need to have the link with ?Free Lifetime Product Support?
separated from the rest of the paragraph.
-With the last promise ?Management Accountability? end the last
sentence with a colon instead of a period, so that it reads ?Our
managers are available to address any concerns:? Get rid of the extra
space to bring up the three people.
Staff Recommendations
-There is more here than staff recommendations! There are also
pictures of staff. I can?t think of a better title for this section
myself, but something like ?Our Staff Recommends? might be slightly
-For ?Here are our favourites and why we like them? the three periods
have an extra space after the word them.
-For some of the CSR, such as Reanna Wright, Dominic Manzo, Jen
Chochinov and Matt Burnaford, there is an extra space under their name
before their title appears. It would be nice if this were consistent
with the rest of them (no space).
Contacting Us:
-Extra spaces (after 4:30pm PST),
-Under the feedback section, add a colon after the ?Your Comments?.
-After submitting feedback, there is an extra space after ?striving to
improve our service to you, the Customer .?
-After submitting feedback: add a comma after ?If you have requested
to be contacted?
Other recommendations for you:
-You have an 11% affiliate program. You should have a promotion where
previous customers get a 10% credit for new customers they refer. Your
current customers could be an even better marketing tool than an
affiliate program, and it would not need to replace the affiliate
program, just provide an added marketing tool and reward your
customers with credits/coupons. Or you could use a promotion such as
?Refer a customer and you both earn 5% off your next order, and make
this incompatible with the affiliate system in order to not be hit
twice? These promotions work!
-For Gift Certificates, make a ?product gift certificate? available,
or make the value of the gift certificate enterable by a user (with
appropriate minimum/maximum).
I hope you find this review to be useful! Please let me know if any
clarification is required and I will be happy to further assist you.
All the best,
tisme-ga |