On May 18,2006 at between 6:30 P.M. an 7:10 P.M. eastern time on XM
Radio a classical music piece was played on either channel 110 or 113
a modern classical piece was played. I lost the name of the piece and really
want to get a copy of the music on CD. All that I remember is that the
composer's last name was something like "Newman" it could have been
spelled differently. I have no idea if XM keeps play lists or not but
I would deeply appreciate it someone could help me find this piece of
music. I do know that the composition was a long piece and that it had
the word "piano" in the title, and that the composer's last name
sounded something like "Newman." |
Request for Question Clarification by
08 Sep 2006 17:30 PDT
I have not been
Request for Question Clarification by
08 Sep 2006 17:31 PDT
Sorry, I posted prematurely.
I have not been able to find a playlist, but I have a suggestion.
Could it have been "The Piano," by Michael Nyman? This is a movie
soundtrack score with a classical quality to it.
You can listen to some audio clips here:
Request for Question Clarification by
08 Sep 2006 17:33 PDT
I notice that Michael Nyman's concerto from "The Piano" has been
played on the XM Classics (110) channel quite recently:
Request for Question Clarification by
08 Sep 2006 17:47 PDT
More info on Nyman's "The Piano" concerto:
Clarification of Question by
09 Sep 2006 03:10 PDT
I have listened to these selections, but I don't think that this is
it. I had to speak for a graduation ceremony at high school that
night, and the music that I listned to was very up tempo. For some
reason I think his first name may have been Ryan. Is there a classical
composer by the name of Ryan Neuman?
I would really love to get a playlist for that night, and would be
willing to pay extra if you can get one. I tried calling XM, but they
said you have to contact the people in charge of the classical
channels dircetly. So far I have not been able to come up with a
number where they can be reached. Thanks for your help. I was speaking
for the high school where I graduated from and this music brought back
a lot of memories for me.
Request for Question Clarification by
09 Sep 2006 09:36 PDT
I doubt that a playlist can be obtained, in view of this:
"It's against XM's Customer Service Agreement to publish playlists.
That is why they don't exist."
You might try joining the forum linked above and posting a question
there. You'd be reaching fans of XM Classical, which could help spur
someone's memories.
I hope another Google Answers Researcher can help you identify your music.