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A questionaire for Pinkfreud
Category: Miscellaneous Asked by: top19-ga List Price: $10.00 |
09 Sep 2006 16:48 PDT
Expires: 09 Oct 2006 16:48 PDT Question ID: 763775 |
What did you do before you became a Gizargle researcher? Do you make more as a Gizargle researcher than before? Are Gizargle researchers good friends/very close? Who is the most famous Gizargle researcher? Whats the weirdest question you have ever been asked? What was the hardest question you have ever been asked? Whats the most interesting question you have been asked? |
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Re: A questionaire for Pinkfreud
Answered By: pinkfreud-ga on 09 Sep 2006 18:43 PDT Rated: ![]() |
Wow, thanks for asking for me by name! I am immensely flattered. ---------------------------------------------------------- What did you do before you became a Gizargle researcher? ---------------------------------------------------------- Before I was accepted as a Google Answers Researcher (in July 2002), I guess you could say that I was "Pink of all trades, mistress of a few." My work history goes back more than forty years, and it's rather eclectic. I have done several kinds of research, editing, data entry, tutoring, and writing. I was a social worker serving aged and disabled clients. I worked for many years in a state government agency as an aptitude testing specialist. For a while, I ran my own little business creating and selling beaded jewelry of my own design. I have had jobs in three bookstores, a book distribution warehouse, an advertising agency, a cafeteria, and a summer camp. I almost went to work for the Internal Revenue Service once, but reason prevailed and I found something less horrific to do for a living. For a brief, giddy period in the middle 1980s, I made a nice income by creating, programming, and selling computer games for the Commodore 64 (a popular home computer of the period). Widespread piracy and some folks' contempt for the concept of copyright put an end to my brilliant career as a game guru, but it was lovely while it lasted. My most interesting job (other than Google Answers) was in the late 1980s and early 1990s, when I was doing computer graphics design and animation for the cable television industry. You know those little icons of suns and snowflakes and raindrops that you see on the screen during a TV weather update? I drew lots of those, along with numerous maps of the United States in various artsy color combinations, with swooping occluded fronts and whooshing jet streams and other jazzy stuff. I did font design, logo design, and original artwork that was used on cable and satellite stations for years. It was very satisfying intellectually, creatively, and economically. Unfortunately, my health began to fail, and I could no longer do work that demanded compliance with tight deadlines. -------------------------------------------------------- Do you make more as a Gizargle researcher than before? -------------------------------------------------------- No. But money isn't everything, as I keep trying to tell the IRS. --------------------------------------------------- Are Gizargle researchers good friends/very close? --------------------------------------------------- Some of us are very close indeed, in an emotional sense, even though we are geographically very distant. Others seem to prefer to work alone. We are a diverse lot. I'm a social creature myself, and I have formed some deep friendships with GA Researchers that are the equal of any face-to-face bonds I've had with friends who live in my town. Thanks to GA, I know and care about people who reside all over the globe. Many of us exchange messages and emails on a frequent basis, and we share family photos, chat on all imaginable subjects (and some unimaginable ones), and give each other encouragement and professional assistance. Yoo-hoo, fellow GARs: I love you guys 'n' gals! --------------------------------------------- Who is the most famous Gizargle researcher? --------------------------------------------- That's a toughie. No one is a household word (yet). I guess the most famous of us is the remarkable Scriptor, who is a prize-winning science fiction author in his native Germany (and is also one of GA's superstars, both in volume and quality of answers). Maybe I'm just biased because I love Scriptor dearly, but I'll give him the award for "most famous" along with "most erudite." He'd be a good candidate for "best looking," too. ------------------------------------------------------- Whats the weirdest question you have ever been asked? ------------------------------------------------------- Gotta go with the penguin poop: What Color is Penguin Poop? http://www.answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=240878 --------------------------------------------------------- What was the hardest question you have ever been asked? --------------------------------------------------------- This one was quite a challenge, especially since the asker is a dear friend, and I didn't want to let her down: For Pinkfreud-ga only: HAPPINESS http://www.answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=290029 ---------------------------------------------------------- Whats the most interesting question you have been asked? ---------------------------------------------------------- One of my favorite customers, Probonopublico, asked a fascinating question that I loved researching: "Can you list 10 real technological 'things' that have reputedly come out of Sci-Fi stuff written in the 20th Century?" For Pinkfreud & Cyndi Yawper http://www.answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=380625 ================================================================== I hope I've held your interest. I've never been fond of the "brevity is the soul of wit" thing. I prefer to believe that levity is the soul of wit. Or -- since I am getting along in years -- maybe longevity. Ah, well... If brevity is wit Here's it. Best regards from ~Pink |
rated this answer:![]() An exceptional answer as always. |
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Re: A questionaire for Pinkfreud
From: pinkfreud-ga on 09 Sep 2006 18:48 PDT |
Thank you very much for the kind words, the five stars, and the tip! ~Pink |
Re: A questionaire for Pinkfreud
From: myoarin-ga on 09 Sep 2006 19:51 PDT |
And just when I was about to post, Pinky came back and locked the question, maybe again. But that is very good, VERY good, she/you shouldn't have been preempted. Anyway, here is my take: Top19, join the Pinkfreud Fan Club. ("PFC") With your question and 50 cent fee, you are now a full-fledged member. :-) I don't think you are going to get an answer [but you did, we did :-)], since the question was locked and now isn't, but the PFC, like most fan clubs, tries to develop a profile of its hero - heroine, in this case - even if she is a bit secretive. Out of respect for this attitude, not much can be revealed. Ms Pinkfreud did many things before becoming a GAR, and still surprises us with new revelations about her past activities. [see above!] She has admitted that she did earn more previously, but didn't many of us? Some GARs do seem to have personal contacts via forums and possibly email. As usual among elite groups, it is assumed that there is high mutual respect. (The US Senate is more elite, but I am not sure about the mutual respect.) The PFC's own Ms Pinkfreud is THE most famous "Gizargle researcher", as you put it. Others may answer more questions, and the in depth knowledge of others in certain fields may be greater (but can't compare with our Ms Pinkfreud's encylopedic knowledge of films and books) - and are duly recognized and respected - but PFC's own is the most famous. (Otherwise, you wouldn't have asked, right?) [but I'm also partial to Scriptor and wish there were more questions that challenged his knowledge and skills.] [Pink's answer to her "hardest question" is demonstration of our choice as most famous GAR.] Myoarin, Speaker for the German Section - PFC |
Re: A questionaire for Pinkfreud
From: probonopublico-ga on 09 Sep 2006 22:38 PDT |
A brilliant question, Top19, you are herewith promoted to Top10 - an unprecedented promotion. Congratulations! It produced a fascinating trawl through previous questions as well as new insights into everyone's favourite Goddess. It also made me wonder about Cyndi Yawper ... Ranby |
Re: A questionaire for Pinkfreud
From: stanmartin1952-ga on 10 Sep 2006 02:48 PDT |
Hi Pinkfreud, In the last couple of days, I saw a true crime show on tv, where the murderer asked Google Answers about getting shot in the right chest, before shooting his wife and putting four shots in himself, one in the right chest. This happened a couple of years ago, but, since you have a super memory, I wonder if you might remember the question. |
Re: A questionaire for Pinkfreud
From: probonopublico-ga on 10 Sep 2006 03:53 PDT |
Really, stanmartin1952-ga, your Comment has absolutely nothing to do with this question and it's downright cheeky of you to ask Pinkfreud (or any other GAR)for a freebie. In any event, several questions have been asked on the topic you enquired about and it would be wrong to infer that any one in particular refers to the case you have quoted. |
Re: A questionaire for Pinkfreud
From: pinkfreud-ga on 10 Sep 2006 11:09 PDT |
stanmartin1952, I believe I know what you're referring to. If you'd like to post a GA question of your own, I'll be glad to help. ~pinkfreud |
Re: A questionaire for Pinkfreud
From: stanmartin1952-ga on 10 Sep 2006 15:07 PDT |
Hi Pinkfreud, I don't have a credit card, but just found the story interesting. Here is a link to it: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/14738060/ |
Re: A questionaire for Pinkfreud
From: probonopublico-ga on 10 Sep 2006 21:56 PDT |
OK stanmartin1952-ga I've done it for you. See 764051. Ranby |
Re: A questionaire for Pinkfreud
From: stanmartin1952-ga on 11 Sep 2006 00:17 PDT |
Hi Probonopublico, Thank you very much. I promise not to try for any more free questions. |
Re: A questionaire for Pinkfreud
From: richardmtl-ga on 12 Sep 2006 12:19 PDT |
I consider myself a member of the PFC fan club, even if I haven't paid my dues yet (though she did answer one of my questions once!). So, how often are the newsletters ent out? Once a month? Or is a biweekly? :) |
Re: A questionaire for Pinkfreud
From: myoarin-ga on 12 Sep 2006 12:47 PDT |
Richard, If you have asked one question that was answered by Pinkfreud, you are automatically a member of PFC - at least in the German Section; I can't speak for the one in your country. We have now newsletters, but get continuously new information here, such as Ms Pinkfreud's picture and text about her cat Cyndi Yawper, posted to question no. 764051, with an image of her left hand - lovely, well manicured hand, I might add. It is delightful to know that you are also of fan of Ms Pinkfreud. Regards, Myoarin |
Re: A questionaire for Pinkfreud
From: pinkfreud-ga on 12 Sep 2006 13:21 PDT |
I am so embarrassed by this fan club stuff. Y'all know how modest and humble and unassuming I am. If there are dues, I expect a cut. And no merchandising of nudie pix without my consent and a bunch of Photoshopping, OK? When I was in my teens, I was crazy about Dame Judith Anderson. I share a birthdate with her (but not in the same year). I finally got to meet this great lady after a performance of "Medea" that gave me goosebumps. We had a fabulous conversation for about an hour. Among other things, I asked her "What is the most pleasing way for a fan to show admiration?" Her answer: "Throw money." |
Re: A questionaire for Pinkfreud
From: frankcorrao-ga on 12 Sep 2006 13:34 PDT |
Was this Dame Judith Anderson per chance a stripper? |
Re: A questionaire for Pinkfreud
From: pinkfreud-ga on 12 Sep 2006 13:47 PDT |
No, she wasn't that kind of Dame. |
Re: A questionaire for Pinkfreud
From: myoarin-ga on 12 Sep 2006 17:44 PDT |
Frank, there are easy ways to find that out before posting a suggestive comment, especially when you just read that Ms PF held Dame Judith Anderson in esteem. But as I commented above, we continually get new information about our heroine. Now we know her birthdate - without the year - but enough information to get the astrologists started. If one of the members happens to know - or can find here - the place of her birth, I am sure that would assist them greatly. One of the tenets of the PFC is never to ask Ms PF directly for personal information. My dear Ms Pinkfreud, it is so kind of you to acknowledge the existence of the PFC. I think you understand that our dues are symbolic - the mere 50 cent charge for posting a question - but you will, of course, get a generous 75% "cut", as you say, of the price of any questions you answer, and we will be flattered by your interest. It would never occur to us - speaking for the German Section only - to merchandize anything without your approval. Even the thought of "nudie pix" has never occurred to us over here. Unfortunately, I cannot speak for the other sections. I am sure there would be a great interest in such, but only with your expressed permission and the approval of the PFC World Board, which will not meet again until next year. With kind respect, Myoarin |
Re: A questionaire for Pinkfreud
From: probonopublico-ga on 12 Sep 2006 22:03 PDT |
Guten Morgen Herr Meinruderinnen Thank you for your interesting comment/question. The lady referred to was born on 10 February 1949 in Tulsa, where else? Her mother was the former Edythe Marriner whose nickname was 'Red'. She was a gorgeous 5'3" redhead, just like her daughter. Her dad was Jess Barker, an actor. Mum became better known as Susan Hayward and she played the female lead in 'Tulsa' co-starring with the fabulous Robert Preston. Their daughter was christened Tallulah after Jodie Foster's character in 'Bugsy Malone'. Always pleased to help. Looking forward Gaylord Tallulah's Press Officer Important Disclaimer: I am not a Researcher so any information provided must be taken with a large pinch of salt. |
Re: A questionaire for Pinkfreud
From: pinkfreud-ga on 13 Sep 2006 09:10 PDT |
Bryan, You've made me a year younger than I actually am, but what woman would complain about that? You're close in guessing my parentage: I am actually the child of Maureen O'Hara and a traveling hardware salesman named Archie who swept through Tulsa in the late 1940s, leaving a wake of offspring and cheap handsaws that wouldn't hold an edge. ~Tallulah Pinkhead |
Re: A questionaire for Pinkfreud
From: myoarin-ga on 13 Sep 2006 09:51 PDT |
Shame on you, Bryan Wish-I-were-Gaylord, for trying to distribute false information. But you're forgiven for having elicited the true facts in the style of a PFC section chief. I have done a little searching on Maureen O'Hara and discovered that she was indeed Irish, born in County Ranelagh. I won't go into the details of her life, since they don't quite jibe with Tullulah Pinkhead's story - every woman is justified in keeping a few secrets. For a minute or two, I was having trouble reconciling Maureen's being Pinkfreud's mother, since I am sure I remember seeing her in covered wagons, maybe not in Oklahoma Territory, but that would have made her just a bit too old to have born a child in the late 40's. (Of course, I am not questioning Pinky's statement of her age.) A fan club never questions anything its star says. Myoarin |
Re: A questionaire for Pinkfreud
From: probonopublico-ga on 13 Sep 2006 10:08 PDT |
Oh dear, Herr Meinruderinnen Your usually impeccable research has failed you for once. You claim that Maureen O'Hara WAS Irish, born in County Ranelagh. I have to tell you that Maureen IS still very much alive and, having been born on 17 August 1920, she was easily young enough to have had a lovely daughter in 1948! Like Susan Hayward, Maureen also had/has red hair so ... Anything is possible. Incidentally, one of my friends (an 80 year-old) still raves about Maureen and why not? Gaylord |
Re: A questionaire for Pinkfreud
From: myoarin-ga on 13 Sep 2006 10:26 PDT |
Bryan, I was not at all suggesting that Maureen is not alive - just saw a delightful photo of her heading the 1999 St. Paddy's Day Parade. I do hope you understand that Ruderinnen are female rowers/scullers, like the delightful Linda who sculled in my quadruple yesterday (definitely our type :). And the river through "Mainhattan", as Frankfurt am Main is sometimes styled, is spelled that way. Cheers, Myo |
Re: A questionaire for Pinkfreud
From: probonopublico-ga on 13 Sep 2006 11:02 PDT |
Oops, Myo, Very Sorry I was practising my German and I obviously failed miserably ... As did you, when you suggested that Maureen would have been too old to have a lovely daughter on 10 February 1948, when she would have been a mere 27-year-old. Gaylord |
Re: A questionaire for Pinkfreud
From: frankcorrao-ga on 13 Sep 2006 11:43 PDT |
>>Frank, there are easy ways to find that out before posting a >>suggestive comment, especially when you just read that Ms PF held Dame >>Judith Anderson in esteem. Hello! Perhaps you did not see the (appararent to me) humorous connection between the claim that "throwing money" is best and the work of an exotic naked dancer. My apologies for not making this clearer. |
Re: A questionaire for Pinkfreud
From: pinkfreud-ga on 13 Sep 2006 12:02 PDT |
I wasn't at all offended by Frank's remark, and I doubt that Dame Judith Anderson would have been offended either. But her appearance was such that I doubt she'd have attracted many tips if she had pursued a career as an ecdysiast. Rather than shouting "take it off," the audience might have hollered "put it back on." |
Re: A questionaire for Pinkfreud
From: myoarin-ga on 13 Sep 2006 13:50 PDT |
Frank, I understood and appreciated, but having already posted my comment, I felt obligated to take a "preserve proprieties" stance. The PFC is very strait laced, but, of course, if Pinky isn't .... Where are those pix?! Myo |
Re: A questionaire for Pinkfreud
From: boquinha-ga on 13 Sep 2006 20:03 PDT |
Aw, shucks. Thanks, Pink. ;) Sincerely and Gratefully, Boquinha-ga |
Re: A questionaire for Pinkfreud
From: probonopublico-ga on 13 Sep 2006 22:25 PDT |
Hi boquinha-ga Congratulations Queenie ... Any friend of Pink's is also a friend of mine. By the way, I would like to spend a few weeks chez you next year so could you please reserve the spare room? I'm looking forward to meeting your hubby & the kiddies. Many thanks! Your Friend Gaylord |
Re: A questionaire for Pinkfreud
From: boquinha-ga on 14 Sep 2006 09:23 PDT |
Yes, Pinky is a dear friend and when I see so many customers admiring her on GA, I can't help but feel privileged to have behind-the-scenes access to her wit, charm, and kindness. And you're visiting! Oh my. I'm so flattered! Hubby and kiddies are excited, too! Is a futon okay with you? Sincerely, Queenie |
Re: A questionaire for Pinkfreud
From: probonopublico-ga on 14 Sep 2006 10:35 PDT |
Aha Queen Ha I've never slept on a futon but I'll try anything once. Many thanks for the invite - it was very kind of you to offer. See you soon! Gaylord |
Re: A questionaire for Pinkfreud
From: boquinha-ga on 15 Sep 2006 11:10 PDT |
Gaylord, I feel that food is a very important aspect of travel. I am Portuguese and our family enjoys Portuguese food as well as foods from all over the world. I already know that you aren't keen on sushi, but I'm not sure of your other likes and dislikes. What can we offer to help you enjoy your stay all the more? Kind Regards, Boquinha-ga |
Re: A questionaire for Pinkfreud
From: probonopublico-ga on 15 Sep 2006 11:50 PDT |
Obrigado, Queen Ha ... I never knew that you were Portuguese! My tastes are very simple ... but I avoid shellfish because occasionally it has given me a facial rash. I've been to Portugal a few times but, like most other places, my memory of the local cuisine is very blurred. I guess that, if I hadn't liked it, I would have remembered it better, a la Japan. Todo o mais melhor Bryan |
Re: A questionaire for Pinkfreud
From: boquinha-ga on 15 Sep 2006 15:33 PDT |
Bryan! You've lived in Portugal!! Eu tenho tantas saudades! I *love* Portugal and lived there for a year and a half (well, to be fair, some of that time was spent in Fogo, Cabo Verde, West Africa). I love Lisbon and the culture and the food and the people and the climate. And so many people visit Europe and SKIP right over Portugal, focusing on Spain, France, Italy, etc. Oh my goodness, I'm so excited to know you've been there! Yes, I'm Portuguese. My parents are from the Azores islands. Also very beautiful. Your shellfish allergy is duly noted. And we may have to remind you just how good Portuguese food really is! ;) Think garlic, red pepper, white wine . . . Sinceramente, Boquinha-ga |
Re: A questionaire for Pinkfreud
From: probonopublico-ga on 15 Sep 2006 21:56 PDT |
Oh Bo ... Sorry to have misled you ... I haven't 'lived' in Portugal except as a visitor and I have spent much more time in Brazil where, believe it or not, the Portuguese language actually originated before explorers brought it with them when they colonised Europe and parts of Africa. You may have heard of Pele the Magnificent? BUT I have also visited the Azores and Cape Verde. Who knows I may have met either you or your parents unknowingly? Yes, indeedy, but I don't remember much about the Azores and my visits to Cape Verde were simply re-fuelling stops between London and Johannesburg. Todo o mais melhor Bryan |
Re: A questionaire for Pinkfreud
From: boquinha-ga on 16 Sep 2006 04:41 PDT |
Hello Bryan! You haven't misled me. My apologies . . . I meant to say you've "been" to Portugal, not "lived." Pele the Magnificent? My Dad is his biggest fan! Perhaps we have met! Though I'm guessing that your refueling stop in Cabo Verde was on the island of Sal. I think they actually have a runway. Fogo does now, too. When I was there, we used to land on the beach! Regards, Boquinha-ga |
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